10 Best Impact Face/Heel Turns Vol.1

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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7. LAX (Impact’s Greatest Mixers)

LAX returned to Impact Wrestling on March 16th 2017, lead by Konnan with Hernandez & a new generation (Santana, Ortiz & Diamanté) under his guidance that would go on to dominate Impact with a total of 5 runs as Tag Team Champions (4 TNA/Impact & 1 as the GFW tag title champions). Throughout their run at Impact, Santana & Ortiz would jump from Face or Heel roles depending on opponents, circumstances & match types.
They arrived in full Heel format, attacking Decay, Laredo Kid, Garza Jr & Reno Scum inserting themselves in the Impact Tag title picture and winning them the following week. On April 23rd they beat the Veterans of War in the GFW Tag Team Tournament. Their first big rivalry being against Ohio Versus Everything (Dave & Jake Crist) & losing to them in a double turn, as Sami Callihan debuted, attacking Ortiz to allow OVE win the GFW titles & turn LAX Face. This was the only time OVE were considered the good guys since their arrival at the beginning of the GFW era, but Sami Callihan’s arrival changed the landscape for all sides.
LAX would be lead by King (Eddie Kingston) after Konnan was taken out by April 26th, despite leading Santana & Ortiz back to Tag Title contention & victory, King would be rejected as soon as Konnan was able to return, bringing about the major highlight of LAX’s return with their rivalry against the OGz (Kingston, Hernandez & Homicide) in the iconic Concrete Jungle Street Fight/Death Match at Bound For Glory 2018. Again shifting LAX from Heel under Kingston to Face under Konnan.
LAX would beat the OGz & begin a rivalry against Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix (the Lucha Bros), shifting Santana & Ortiz’s Face/Heel roles the more they beat Konnan’s “family”. Santana & Ortiz would remain Tag Champions after regaining the belts from the Lucha Bros at Rebellion 2019, up until Bash at the Brewery & after The North ended their career, they were given a final send off against Willie Mack & Rich Swann in tribute to the input from Konnan, Santana & Ortiz. LAX had officially ended by August 9th 2019, Santana & Ortiz would go onto AEW, aligned with Chris Jericho & The Inner Circle.