10 Forgotten WWE Upsets

Jim Ross defeats Triple H (April 18th, 2005)

A couple of weeks after WrestleMania 21, Triple H – still angered over his lost to former protégé Batista – took on beloved Raw commentator Jim Ross in a singles match.
Obviously, the Oklahoma-native stood little chance against ‘The Game’. Ross was battered by ‘The Cerebral Assassin’ for about 10 minutes before the recently-crowned world champion interfered. Assaulting HHH, Batista then placed a bloody and worn-out ‘Good Ole’ JR on top of HHH for the BBQ sauce advocate to get the ‘w’.
This was surprising to as it was coming off the multi-year ‘Reign of Terror’, in which Triple H almost exclusively won – even to the detriment of his opposition. Whilst names such as Shawn Michaels, Goldberg and Chris Benoit managed to eke out victories over the former DX member, it was a rare occurrence, making Ross’s victory that much more shocking and relieving.
As it turns out, 2005 was quite the year for unexpected wins as later that year too, Batista helped to create another – albeit more memorable – upset when he aided The Blue Meanie to a victory over former WWE champion JBL. A match probably best remembered for Steven Richards’s merciless steel chair shot to the face of Justin Bradshaw Layfield.