25 WWE Dream Matches that never happened

Photo Credit: SuperLuchas
12. Kane Vs. Abyss

Let’s talk about two monsters from two different wrestling promotions. Kane and Abyss are the two infamous monsters of their respective companies that fans really wanted to see both have a match at some point of time. Both men have similar gimmicks with their iconic masks.
Abyss was compared to Mankind as well due to his deranged mind and hardcore matches, but we can say that he was a mixture of Kane and Mankind. WWE & TNA was on their prime during the 2000s and both these men were just killing it at their respective promotions. Abyss revealed in an interview that he was set to sign with WWE and face Kane but things doesn’t turn out well and he stayed with TNA for his entire career.
If this match will ever took place it will be the best battle of monsters and a pure BANGER!!! Unfortunately, we never got to see this dream match.