25 WWE Dream Matches that never happened
Photo Credit: SuperLuchas
23. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Tito Santana
It seems for the last few years that the WWE have desperately been trying to find a huge Latin star to attract that market ever since Rey Mysterio. Although they’ve failed to do so, there have been huge Hispanic stars pre-Mysterio in the forms of Tito Santana and Eddie Guerrero.
Both of these characters were largely faces (with Santana being a good guy through his lengthy wrestling career), athletic and reliable talents, with both mostly spending their greatest days in the mid-card scene. Both former Intercontinental and tag title holders in some form, their opponents often used the nationality of either man as a way of getting heel heat – whether that is Jesse Ventura calling the Strike Force member “Chico” and labelling his finisher the “Flying Burrito” or JBL shaming Mexicans on the border in a feud with Guerrero.
Both now in the WWE Hall of Fame, Santana stills wrestles from time-to-time today even when nearing his 70s, whilst the master of the Frog Splash unfortunately passed away in 2005, putting the kibosh on any future match the two Hispanic icons could have.