60 Minutes: Impact Wrestling’s Cast Iron Revival of the X-Division

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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- (Exclusive) Rosemary: A Journey through the Valley of Shadows – PART 1 - September 19, 2021
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Since taking over Impact, Scott D’Amore & Don Callis have slowly rebuilt the company back to, what long-term fans would call TNA/Impact’s “Glory days”. One Belt (one division to be exact) that stands out & that has taken a huge shake up since the change in management has been the X-Division title which has just exploded with jaw dropping match after match & pushing those who’ve held or chased it onto bigger things since the Ultimate X that kicked off Homecoming 2019.
The X-Division title is about: “No Limits”. Taking everything from size, gender & weight out of the equation, a title & division anyone coming into Impact Wrestling can jump into to stake their claim on one of the most unique championships in the modern era of pro-wrestling, but for a very long time fans have seen this as a “mid card title” or something that’s just a stepping stone to the World Title, but one of the things that made TNA/Impact so unique was each of the main divisions felt like they were unique (Knockouts, X-Division, Tag Division & World Title contenders).
But as time had gone by, the X-Division seemed to become everything it wasn’t meant to be. It seemed to be reserved or limited to highly talented but predominantly lightweight & the incredible high flying based wrestlers. Something felt like it was missing & while other superstars have almost managed to almost bridge that gap, as champion or as a contender, it would take a build over the last 6 months & 60 minutes (for good measure) to literally blow the roster away, leaving them alongside thousands of fans worldwide absolutely speechless.
June 3rd 2021. The night 2 of Impact’s greatest stars set yet another blockbuster match for the X-Division title (in a year already flooded by “Match of the Year” quality showcases from the X-Division). In the ultimate test of endurance to end a never ending chain of clash after clash between 2 well respected rivals. The night the first 60 minute Iron Man match was added onto Impact Wrestling’s long history of high stakes matches. The night the X-Division was brought back to where it was intended to be. With more “Big Plans” still to come for the X-Division, Impact had to reset “what it means to be an X-Division star” & it started with the contenders.