WWE RAW Results (17th May 2021) – Kingston Pulls Double Duty

Bobby Lashley Open Challenge
After being successful in his defense of the WWE title last night at WrestleMania Backlash, MVP states that ‘The All Mighty’ will challenge anyone in a non-title match this evening. In response, Drew McIntyre came out and accepted, unknowing of the extra stipulation. Bobby tried to attack by the Scot but was thwarted as the ladies who escorted Lashley to the ring shrieked and ran away. Easy payday for them, I guess.
Although no new or special, it does keep the story between the duo going, which can only be a good thing.
Elias vs AJ Styles
Next up, one half of the Raw tag champions took on Elias. In the bout, Elias looked good, standing toe-to-toe with one of the best pro wrestlers in the world. AJ was more dominant however, eventually setting up ton hit the Phenomenal Forearm, before Jaxson Ryker attacked him, causing a DQ result.
Both tried to assault AJ but were chased off by Omos. It very much feels AJ and Omos are being used to test the water for a true face turn, but not fully good guys just yet.
Winner: AJ Styles via DQ
RK-Bro and New Day Backstage
After a preview of the Bronson Reed vs Johnny Gargano cage match, due to Orton’s actions last week, tag partner Riddle tries to get ‘The Apex Predator’ to apologize. The straight man of the duo, Orton refuses this request. The New Day say they would not have accepted it anyway before Kofi brings up the duo’s history. Kingston brings up their 2009 feud, before challenging Randy to a match later in the night.
Alexa’s Playground
Bliss congratulates and introduces into her world the new SmackDown Women’s tag champions Tamina and Natalya. Jimmy Snuka’s daughter seems creeped out and uneasy in the playground. Bliss then talks about Lilly wanting to know their favorite color before Bliss says how much she liked the duo beating up Reggie. Finally, Bliss claims her and Lilly will be watching when the newly-crowned titleholders face off against Nia Jax and Shayne Baszler in a rematch.
Angel Garza vs Drew Gulak
A match that feels so repetitive, Garza fights Gulak once again. This was a one-sided squash with Garza defeating Gulak with the Wing Clipper in just over 2 minutes. I like both guys and am glad they are getting TV time, but they really deserve to face someone else – especially due to the decisive nature of this match.
After the bout, Garza further adds insult to injury by stuffing a rose in Gulak’s mouth.
Winner: Angel Garza by pinfall
24/7 Mayhem
Tozawa rolls up R-Truth for the title belt. That is all.
Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston
A flashback to 2009 or 2019 if you want a more recent comparison, next up Kingston fights Randy Orton. As Orton comes down to the ring, Riddle dances behind him on his scooter as Orton just struts to the ring.
After an Eva Marie vignette, the match starts. Kingston gets some armdrags and chops. This one does not last long as Xavier Woods distracts Orton with his trombone playing, allowing Kingston to get the roll-up win in 5 minutes. Afterwards, Riddle shoves Wood which Xavier seems stunned by but is fair enough.
Winner: Kofi Kingston via pinfall
Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler vs Tamina & Natalya
We get a women’s backstage segment featuring Adam Pearce, Sonya, Charlotte, Dana Brooke, Many Rose and Lana all lumped into one.
The heels get the immediate attack on the faces, with both women wearing down the face champions. Natalya’s arm is focused on by Baszler as she gets the advantage.
Tamina gets the hot tag, but is shut down by Jax. Lilly comes on stage, scaring Reggie by setting the corner posts on fire. Nia helps Reggie but whilst all of this is going on, Shayna is pinned by Tamina and Natalya, thus aiding them retain the titles.
Winner: Tamina & Natalya via pinfall
Sheamus vs Ricochet
The Irishman is mad that Ricochet stole his attire so challenges the former NXT North American champion to a rematch. Ricochet is interviewed, revealing the attire before doing a faux-Irish accent.
The match starts with a lot of fire with Ricochet countering an attempted jump by the US titleholder. Before we head to the break, Sheamus halts a diving attempt by Ricochet by dumping him over the barricade. Countering defiant, Ricochet is eventually hit with an Irish Curse for a near count. The high-flyer hits a scary Spanish Fly which looks to injure Sheamus but he kicks out of a moonsault. The agile superhero hits a barrage of flying attacks but can’t hit the 630 before a springboard moonsault is stopped with a knee. There’s a 3 count but a kick-out, so they improvise with a Brogue Kick finish. Sheamus teases challenging Lashley. As do Mace and T-Bar afterwards.
A good match, it was 13-minutes of fun although a little predictable.
Winner: Sheamus via pinfall
Asuka vs Charlotte
Charlotte has to win this match in order to get a one-on-one match with Rhea for the title.
Rhea comes out to ringside to watch the match. It is a very good match but the ending seems inevitable. In this, the two go back-and-forth with an enjoyable match albeit one we have seen a plethora of times over the last year.
In the end, Asuka can’t quite put the Cruella De Ville-attired competitor away with a shining wizard. Charlotte regains control with a submission in the ropes before confronting Ripley. Asuka rolls her up but can’t get the 3. A cradle from the Figure-Four gets the win for Asuka in a surprising win over ‘The Queen’.
Winner: Asuka via pinfall
John Morrison vs Damian Priest
Morrison is alive! Not eaten by zombies, which is good for him. Anyhow, another lumberjack match is made but with actual wrestlers the company has nothing better for such as Nikki Cross, The Viking Raider, Shelton Benjamin, Mansoor and Titus O’Neil amongst others.
Priest gets the early advantage over a zombie-freaked Morrison as we go to break. Priest is on the mat at the break but reverses his fortunes. Priest is soon taken to the outside when the former Retribution member assault him before the faces intervene. All the enforcers brawl as Priest superplexs Morrison onto the pile of bodies. A hurricanrana and Hit The Lights gives Damian the win. Priest states he is done with The Miz and Morrison and is moving on. Probably for the best.
Winner: Damian Priest via pinfall
Bobby Lashley vs ?????
After an Eva Marie vignette (yes, again) and a Shelton interview, we get the main event. It is not yet announced who he will face.
The New Day music hits as Kingston accepts. A former WWE champion in his own right, he pulls double duty tonight having beaten Orton earlier. MVP announces the belt is NOT on the line, which is important for later.
Lashley takes it too Kingston but Kofi is defiant. The New Day member sells like a madman for Lashley, making Bobby look like a beast. Kingston gets some hope spots but nothing substantial against the world champion. Eventually, McIntyre’s music hits and Kingston gets the roll-up pinfall win over the champion, proving how deadly the roll-up was tonight. A huge shocker to end the night, Drew screws Lashley, who is irate.
Winner: Kofi Kingston via pinfall