WWE NXT Stand & Deliver 2022 Results – NEW Champions Crowned


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Toxic Attraction (c) Vs. Raquel Gonzales & Dakota Kai: NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships

Jayne attacks Gonzalez from behind. Gonzalez sends Jayne out of the ring with a big boot. Gonzalez alley-oops Dolan on the top rope. Kai tags in and Gonzalez suplexes her on top of Dolan for a near fall. Dolan and Kai trade pinfall attempts. Kai and Gonzalez hit a running boot/airplane spine combo for another near fall. Jayne tags in and takes down Kai. Jayne and Dolan take turns working over Kai. Kai manages to tag in Gonzalez. Gonzalez almost hits her finish but Jayne escapes.

Big boot by Gonzalez. Flying elbow by Gonzalez. Kai hits a spider suplex on Jayne. Dolan breaks up the pin. Kai and Jayne boot each other in the face at the same time. Both women are down. Jayne and Kai trade strikes. Dolan and Jayne hit a series of German suplexes on Kai. Jayne and Dolan hit Toxic Shock. Kai kicks out. Wendy Choo walks down to the ring and throws a drink in Dolan’s face. Gonzalez boots Dolan in the face. In the ring, Kai hits a running boot on Jayne. Gonzalez hits her powerbomb for the win.

Winner & NEW Tag Team Champions: Raquel Gonzales & Dakota Kai

Ratings: 2.5 out of 5 stars.


Carmelo Hayes (c) Vs. Cameron Grimes Vs. Santos Escobar Vs. Grayson Waller Vs. Solo Sikoa – NXT North American Cruiserweight Championship Ladder Match

Hayes tells everyone in the ring that they don’t deserve his title. Hayes kicks Sikoa in the face. Everyone attacks Hayes. Williams pulls Hayes out of the ring. Grimes goes up top, Hayes pushes him off. Sikoa and Hayes are alone in the ring. Sikoa misses a superkick. Escobar clotheslines Sikoa out of the ring. Escobar dropkicks Hayes. Escobar hits the ropes but Grimes pulls him out of the ring. Grimes and Sikoa unload on Hayes. Waller and Escobar clear the ring. Waller tells Sanga to give him a ladder. On the other side of the ring, Escobar instructs Wilde and Mendoza to do the same. Waller sends the ladder into Legado. Sikoa lands a dive on Sanga. Escobar suicide dives into Sikoa. Hayes takes out Grimes with an Asai moonsault.

Waller sets up a dive but choices to set up a ladder instead. Sikoa cuts Waller off and traps in behind a ladder in the corner. Sikoa sends Hayes into the ladder. Escobar charges in and ends up trapped in the corner on a ladder. Sikoa lands a running hip attack that crushes everyone. Sikoa climbs the ladder. Grimes cuts him off. Grimes and Sikoa trade strikes. Sikoa gets dumped out of the ring. Grimes hits Hayes with a ladder, that turns him inside out. Escober dropkicks a ladder into Grimes nuts. Escobar sets up a ladder and starts to climb. Waller rolls into the ring and hits a cutter. Waller starts to climb. Hayes knocks him off the ladder with a springboard clothesline. Hayes tries another springboard but Sikoa superkicks him out of the ring.

Sikoa and Escobar start to climb. Both men trade shots at the top of the ladder. Escobar hits a sunset flip powerbomb off the ladder onto a ladder. Sikoa is out. Grimes hits his flipping crossbody on Escobar. Williams hits the ring and sets up a ladder. Sanga hits the ring and launches Williams across the ring. Sanga chops the ladder in half with his bare hands. Elektra Lopez gets in the ring and faces off with Sanga. Wilde and Mendoza attack Sanga from behind. Wilde and Mendoza attack Sanga with a few ladders. Wilde helps Lopez hits a rope walk dive out of the ring onto Waller.

Sanga is sandwiched between ladders by Legado. Sikoa slams Wilde and Mendoza at the same time. Escobar and Sikoa climb the ladder. Williams climbs the ladder, slowly, since he is terrified of heights. Grimes pushes the ladder over and Williams sails out of the ring and lands on everyone. Hayes and Waller fight on top of the ladder. Everyone sets up ladders and a five-way brawl breaks out over the title. Sikoa and Grimes fall to the mat. Waller is left alone and almost gets the title Escobar cuts him off and sends him flying with a ranna off the ladder. Before Escobar can breathe Sikoa flattens him with a Uso splash. Sikoa climbs but Grimes stops him.

Grimes hits the Cave In on a ladder on Sikoa. Hayes boots Grimes in the face out on the apron. Hayes ends up laying on a ladder. Waller tries an elbow drop but Hayes moves out of the way. Waller crashes through the ladder. Escobar hits the Phantom Driver on Hayes. Escobar turns around and Grimes leaps off the top rope and hits a Cave In. Grimes climbs the ladder and pulls down the Championship for the win.

Winner & NEW Champion: Cameron Grimes

Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.

Tommaso Ciampa Vs. Tony D’Angelo

Ciampa lands a few strikes before being beat into the corner. Ciampa fires back and stomps D’Angelo before landing multiple running boots. D’Angelo isn’t moving. Ciampa pulls D’Angelo out of the ring and sends him into the ringsteps. C Ciampa gives himself a pat on the back after pulling up the ringside mats to expose the cement floor. D’Angelo lands a suplex for a near fall. Falcon arrow by D’Angelo. Ciampa kicks out. Ciampa tries the Fairytale Ending but D’Angelo escapes. D’Angelo and Ciampa trade roll ups. D’Angelo pushes Ciampa off the top.

D’Angelo dives off the top but Ciampa meets him in midair with a flying knee. D’Angelo brings a crowbar into the ring. The referee takes the weapon, but D’Angelo low blows Ciampa. D’Angelo hits his finish. Ciampa kicks out.  D’Angelo yells at the referee and the announcer outside the ring. Ciampa destroys D’Angelo with Williow’s Bell as he’s getting back in the ring. Ciampa hits the Fairytale ending. D’Angelo kicks out. Ciampa traps D’Angelo in the Gargano Escape. D’Angelo gets to the ropes. Ciampa tries to suplex D’Angelo on the exposed floor. D’Angelo counters and DDTs Ciampa on the concrete. D’Angelo kicks Ciampa in the face and pins him.

After the match, Triple H came out and hugged Ciampa and gave him a warm farewell.

Winner: Tony D’Angelo

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

IMPERIUM (c) Vs. MSK Vs. The Creed Brothers – Triple Threat Match for NXT Tag Team Championships

Lee, Barthel, and Julius start the match. Julius is knocked out of the ring. Carter and Lee double team Barthel. Aichner tags in and attacks Julis from behind. Carter rolls in the ring and tags Lee back in. Lee runs into a backbreaker by Aichner. Brutus chop blocks Aichner. The Creeds suplex everyone. Barthel lands a flying European uppercut on Brutus. Double running boot by Barthel and Aichner. Aichner destroys Lee with a lariat. Carter breaks up the pin. Barthel lands a dive. Lee hits a cartwheel splash. Carter hits a swanton. Lee follows that with the final flash. Brutus breaks up the pin.

A tower of doom spot in the corner takes everyone out. As everyone is gathering outside the ring. Brutus hits a cannonball dive outside the ring, flattening the field. The Creeds hit a slingshot spinebuster. Aichner pulls Julius out of the ring. Barthel lands a roaring European uppercut that sends Julius into the ring steps. IMPERIUM hits a doomsday European uppercut on Brutus. Back in the ring, Lee and Carter hit a ranna off the top into a powerbomb on Barthel for the win!

Winner & NEW Tag Champions: MSK

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

Mandy Rose (c) Vs. Io Shirai Vs. Kay Lee Ray Vs. Cora Jade – Fatal 4 Way for the NXT Women’s Championship

Rose and Shirai trade shots while Jade and KLR fight near the announce desk. Shirai and KLR square off. KLR almost hits the KLR Bomb. The two trade pin attempts. Shirai flips out of a back body drop and lands on her feet. Shirai misses the tiger fient kick. Rose takes out Shirai and KLR. Rose lands a delayed suplex on Jade. Jade dumps Rose out of the ring. KLR lands a senton on Jade. Shirai surprises KLR with a triangle moonsault. Shirai hits a dropkick off the top.

Rose sends Shirai out of the ring and tries to steal the pin. KLR kicks out. KLR puts Rose in the Koji Clutch. Shirai traps Jade in a cloverleaf. JAde kicks Shirai into KLR which breaks up both submissions. Jade hits a Canadian Destroyer on the apron on KLR. Back in the ring, Shirai lands a double knee strike on Rose in the corner. Rose goes up top. Shirai cuts her off. Shirai hits a Spanish Fly off the top. Jade breaks up the pin with a senton. JAde hits a double arm DDT on Rose. KLR breaks up the pin. KLR headbutts JAde and hits the KLR Bomb. KLR goes up top. Shirai pushes KLR out to the floor. Shirai hits the Over the Moonsault. Rose appears out of nowhere and blasts Shirai with a nasty running knee. Rose pins Shirai.

Winner: Mandy Rose

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

Gunther Vs. LA Knight

Knight and GUNTHER end up in the corner. GUNTHER mushes Knight. Knight fires back and sends GUNTHER out of the ring. Knight lands a clothesline off the apron. GUNTHER responds with a powerbomb on the apron. GUNTHER works over Knight. GUNTHER locks Knight in a Boston Crab. As Knight tries to get to the ropes GUNTHER transitions into an STF.

Knight gets to the ropes. Knight hits the ropes and runs right into a chop from GUNTHER. Slingshot shoulder block by Knight. Knight stomps GUNTHER in the corner. Powerslam by Knight. Knight lands an elbow drop. Knight gets a near fall after a superplex. Knight tries the BFT but GUNTHER blocks it. GUNTHER tries a chop. Knight block is. GUNTHER lands a chop. Sleeper by GUNTHER. Knight manages to turn the sleeper into the burning hammer. GUNTHER kicks out. GUNTHER hits a powerbomb and a big splash for the win.


Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

Dolph Ziggler (c) Vs. Bron Breakker – NXT Championship

Ziggler slaps Breakker before the bell rings. Ziggler hides behind the referee. As soon as the bell rings Breakker attacks Ziggler Ziggler tries a leapfrog but Breakker catches him and hits a Steiner Slam. Breakker lands multiple suplexes. Breakker sets ups a spear but Roode grabs his leg. The referee ejects Roode. Breakker goes up top. Ziggler crotches Breakker on the top rope. Ziggler hits a hangman’s neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler works over Breakker.

Ziggler calls for the Superkick. Breakker blocks it and hits another spear. Breakker hits his finish. Roode pulls Ziggler out of the ring during the pin. Breakker dives over the top and lands on Ziggler and Roode. Ziggler is sent back into the ring. Breakker sends Roode into the ring steps. Breakker walks right into a Fameasser followed by a ZigZag. Breakker kicks out. Ziggler lands a diving elbow off the top. Breakker kicks out again. Ziggler calls for another Superkick. Breakker gets to his feet and Spears Ziggler again. Breakker tries another gorilla press but Ziggler pokes him in the eye. Ziggler lands another Superkick for the win!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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