WWE Wrestlemania 38 Night 2 Results – New Champions Crowned!!


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WWE Wrestlemania 38 Night 2 Full Results – April 3, 2022

Triple H kicks off the show and says Thank you to everyone and hang up his boots and confirm his retirement. Hunter welcomes everyone to Wrestlemania.

RK-Bro (c) Vs. Alpha Academy Vs. Street Profits – Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the RAW Tag Team Championships

Gable, Riddle, and Ford start the match. Gable shooshes Riddle and Ford. Ford and Riddle attack Gable. Ford and RIddle battle. Gable lands a German suplex on Ford. Riddle breaks it up with a broton. The ring eventually clears. Ford dives over the ring post and lands on everyone. Gable climbs up top and lands a moonsault to the outside. Otis and Gable land their German suplex/lariat combo. Otis flattens Riddle with a big splash. Gable and Otis take turns beating down Riddle. Ford eventually makes it back in the ring and lands a dropkick. Gable sends Ford flying with a monkey flip. Ford lands face first but manage to kick out of Gable’s pin. Ford backflips out of a suplex and tags in Dawkins. Dawkins suplexes everyone.

Silencer by Dawkins. Otis breaks up the pin with a splash. Riddle drops Dawkins with the GTS. Riddle finally manages to tag in Orton, who crushes Ford with a powerslam. Orton sets up a hangman’s DDT. Ford pulls Orton out of the ring. Orton suplexes Ford on the announce desk. Gable charges in and gets suplexes on the table as well. Orton and Riddle hit duel hangman’s DDTs. Riddle and Orton call for the RKO. Gable and Otis pull RK-Bro out of the ring. Otis and Gable land the Steiner Bulldog.  Ford kicks out. Ford flips out of a monkey flip and tags in Dawkins. The Street Profits hit a doomsday blockbuster. Gable kicks out.

After back and forth from each team, Ford climbs to the top but Riddle hits him with an springboard RKO out of nowhere, Gable tries to take advantage of the situation and tries to perform the top rope splash but Orton catches Gable in the air with RKO outta nowhere for the victory.

Winner: RK-Bro

Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.

After the match, Street profits joins the celebration with RK-Bro an invites Gable Steveson from the ringside. Gable interrupts Steveson and Steveson hits Gable with a belly to belly suplex and joins RK-Bro and Street Profits to celebrate at ringside.

Omos Vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley tries a kick but Omos pushes him to the side. Omos blast Lashley with an elbow smash. Lashley tries to suplex Omos but Omos easily escapes. Omos tries to smash Lashley’s head. Lashley overpowers Omos. Omos floors Lashley with another strike. Lashley slaps Omos in the face. Omos floors Lashley with a clothesline. Omos misses a splash in the corner. Lashley lands a few strikes to Omos’ back. Lashley tries to put Omos in the Hurt Lock. Omos easily breaks it.

Clothesline by Omos. Lashley dives off the top and it is caught by Omos. Omos slams Lashley down to the mat. Lashley hits the ropes and gets caught in a bear hug. Omos slams Lashley into the corner. Lashley hits his head on the ring post. Omos goes back to the bear hug. Lashley fights out of the hold. Lashley lands a few strikes. Omos fires back. Lashley finally manages to suplex Omos. Lashley Spears Omos’ back. Omos gets back to his feet. Lashley Spears Omos proper and gets the pin.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

Sami Zayn Vs. Johnny Knoxville – Anything Goes Match

As soon as the bell rings, Zayn lands a Helluva Kick. Zayn stomps Knoxville before dragging him over to the barricade. The Jackass Crew is sitting at ringside. Zayn takes a swing at them. Knoxville sprays Zayn with a fire extinguisher. Knoxville sends some weapons into the ring. Zayn attacks him from behind. Zayn wacks Knoxville with a cookie sheet. Before Knoxville can react, Zayn hits him with a crutch. Zayn finds a table full of mouse traps. Knoxville smashes Zayn’s head with two trash can lids. Knoxville sets up a table in the corner and tries to suplex Zayn through it.

Zayn exploder suplexes Knoxville through the table. Party Boy gets in the ring and dances around the ring. Zayn is not amused. Party Boy rips off his pants and he has on a speedo. Zayn clotheslines Party Boy before tossing him out of the ring. Knoxville rolls up Zayn for a two-count. Zayn kicks Party Boy under the ring. Someone punches Zayn from under the ring. It’s Wee Man! Wee Man lands a flurry of punches. Wee Man body slams Zayn! Knoxville hits a tornado DDT. Zayn kicks out. Wee Man grabs a spring-loaded kicking machine from under the ring. Knoxville holds Zayn in place. Zayn Helluva Kicks Wee Man. Zayn goes up top.

Knoxville pulls out a remote and makes the pyro fire out of the ring post, causing Zayn to crotch himself on the top rope. Knoxville uses the kicking machine on Zayn, kicking him in the nuts. Zayn falls into the corner. Knoxville hits Zayn in the balls with a bowling ball. Knoxville chases Zayn around the ring with a stun gun. Zayn runs right into a giant hand slap trap. Knoxville sends Zayn back into the ring. Zayn manages to slam Knoxville back in the ring.

Zayn goes back up top. Knoxville grabs Zayn’s nuts with a pair of tongs. Knoxville pushes Zayn off the top. Zayn lands on the mouse trap table. The Jackass Crew hops the barricade and pulls a giant mousetrap from under the ring. Knoxville stun guns Zayn. Zayn falls to the mat. Knoxville struggles but eventually gets the mousetrap to trigger, trapping Zayn. Knoxville pins Zayn.

Winner: Johnny Knoxville

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

Queen Zelina & Carmella (c) Vs. Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan Vs. Shayna Baszler & Natalya Vs. Sasha Banks & Naomi – Fatal 4 Way Tag Team Match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships

Ripley wants Carmella. Vega tags her in. Carmella tags in Banks. Banks and Ripley get in each other’s faces. Ripley wants a test of strength. Banks obliges. Ripley takes down Banks. Ripley almost hits the Riptide. Banks almost turns it into a backstabber but Ripley shrugs her off. Ripley gets pulls out of the ring. Banks and Morgan both lands dives. Morgan and Banks both roll back in the ring. Morgan hits Oblivion but Natalya tagged herself in. Baszler and Natalya take turns working over Morgan. Baszler stomps on Morgan’s ankle. Carmella tags herself in. Vega and Carmella work over Morgan. Vega lands the Code Red.

Ripley breaks up the pin. Carmella lands a ranna off the top. Ripley falls out of the ring. Vega takes out Ripley with a moonsault. Naomi and Banks land double Eat d’Feet. Morgan and Ripley both land tower of doom spots in opposite corners. Morgan and Ripley hit their finish on Naomi. Banks breaks up the pin. Natalya and Banks set up a Hart Attack but Carmella and Vega break it up. Carmella lands multiple superkicks but Naomi keeps kicking out. Banks lands a splash but Carmella kicks out. After a series of reversals, Banks, and Naomi hits a wheelbarrow into a lung blower for the win.

Winner & NEW Tag Champions: Sasha Banks & Naomi

Ratings: 2.5 out of 5 stars.

Edge Vs. AJ Styles

Styles’ face is bleeding for some reason. Edge and Styles trade shots. Edge floors Styles with a shoulder block. Dropkick by Styles. Styles and Edge circle each other. Neither man can get an advantage. Edge kicks Styles in the gut. Styles sends Edge out of the ring. Styles sends Edge into the ring steps. Edge rolls back into the ring. Styles attempts a springboard 450 but Edge gets his knees up. Edge works over Styles. Styles counters Edge’s suplex with one of his own. Edge slams into the corner. Styles is clutching at his ribs. Styles lands a flurry of punches, ground, and pound style. Edge hits an arm breaker. After a series of submission attempts by both men, Edge locks Styles in the STF.

Before Styles gets to the ropes, Edge transitions into a crossface. Styles manages to get his foot on the bottom rope. Styles surprises Edge with a slingshot DDT after Edge misses a shoulder tackle. Edge is out on the mat. Styles slowly climbs up top. Edge cuts him off. Styles escapes and hits a torture rack powerbomb. Edge kicks out. Edge rolls off of Styles’ shoulders and hits an implant DDT. Styles and Edge trade strikes. Snap German suplex by Styles. Edge and Styles trade strikes. Styles lands the Pelé kick. Styles rolls Edge into the Calf Crusher. Edge locks in the LeBell Lock. Styles fights out of it. Edgecutter by Edge.

Styles suplexes Edge off the top onto the ring apron. Styles lands a springboard 450 to Edge’s back. Edge kicks out. Styles misses the Phenomenal Forearm. Edge tries a Spear but Styles leaps over him. Styles’ Clash by Styles. Edge kicks out. Styles sets up the Phenomenal Forearm. Damian Preist appears at ringside. Styles is distracted. Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm again but Edge Spears him in midair for the win.

Winner: Edge

Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.

After the match, Priest shows his allegiance to Edge.

Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods Vs. Sheamus & Ridge Holland w/Butch

Kingston and Woods are dressed in gear inspired by the gear Big E wore the night he won the WWE Championship. Sheamus and Holland attack Woods and Kingston.  As soon as the bell rings Kingston lands Trouble in Paradise. Sheamus breaks up the pin. Sheamus has to keep holding Butch back from getting involved in the match. After a distraction from Butch, Sheamus lands the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus & Ridge Holland

Ratings: 1 out of 5 stars.

Austin Theory Vs. Pat McAfee

Theory and Mr. McMahon take a selfie before McAfee makes his entrance. McAfee is led to the ring by the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. McAfee punts a football into the crowd. McAfee lands a series of punches. Theory ducks into the ropes. McAfee gives Theory a clean break but Theory chops McAfee in the throat. McAfee leapfrogs over Theory and lands a flying back elbow. Theory runs right into a ranna by McAfee. Mr. McMahon is not impressed. Theory surprises McAfee with a backbreaker. Snap suplex by Theory. Theory lands another suplex. McAfee reverses Theory’s third suplex attempt with a suplex of his own. McAfee sends Theory flying into the announce desk.

McAfee puts on a headset and talks to the crowd, before dumping water on Theory. McAfee sends Theory into the ring. McAfee goes up top. McAfee misses a swanton. Theory lands a Proto-plex for a near fall. Theory goes up top. McAfee cuts him off. McAfee tries to set up a superplex but Theory pushes him off the top rope. McAfee does a backflip and lands on his feet. Superplex by McAfee. Theory kicks out. McAfee misses the Punt Kick. Theory dropkicks McAfee in the knee. Theory tries the ATL but McAfee reverses it into a roll up for the win!

Winner: Pat McAfee

Ratings: 2 out of 5 stars

After the match, Mr. McMahon yells at Theory. McAfee yells at Mr. McMahon. Mr. McMahon takes off his shirt. McAfee tells Mr. McMahon to bring it. Mr. McMahon gets in the ring. A referee gets in the ring. Theory attacks McAfee from behind. The bell rings.

Vince McMahon Vs. Pat McAfee

Mr. McMahon clotheslines McAfee.  Mr. McMahon sends McAfee into the corner. Another clothesline by Mr. McMahon. McAfee gets to his feet and is furious. Mr. McMahon begs off. Theory crotches McAfee on the ring post in front of the referee. Theory hands Mr. McMahon a football and he is going to kick the ball into the crowd but he doesn’t. Mr. McMahon kicks a football into McAfee’s gut before pinning him for the win.

Winner: Vince McMahon

Ratings: 1/2 out of 5 stars.

After the match, Mr. McMahon and Theory hug. The glass breaks and Stone Cold Steve Austin stomps down to the ring! Austin gets in Mr. McMahon’s face. Theory tries to attack Austin. Austin drops Theory with a Stunner. Mr. McMahon and Austin are the only people left in the ring. Austin calls beers. Mr. McMahon takes a sip and tells Austin he likes it. Both men drink. Mr. McMahon stumbles around the ring as Austin eventually lands a Stunner. Austin kicks Mr. McMahon out of the ring. Austin shares a beer with McAfee and hits a stunner to McAfee as well.

Roman Reigns (c) Vs. Brock Lesnar (c) – Championship Unification Winner Takes All Match

Reigns tells WrestleMania to acknowledge him. Heyman inturupts the ring announcer to give Reigns a proper introduction (and to make sure he is introduced first). Heyman calls Reigns the goat that slew the beast. Lesnar takes the mic from the ring announcer and gives himself a proper introduction. Lesnar takes off his gloves as soon as the bell rings. Reigns looks worried. Lesnar beats Reigns into the corner. Reigns tries to fight back but Lesnar drives him back into the corner. Lesnar tries a German suplex but Reigns elbows his way out of it. Lesnar transitions and hits a belly-to-belly instead. Lesnar lands two more suplexes before sending Reigns out of the ring. Lesnar backs down Heyman.

Heyman begs off, tells Lesnar it was all Reigns’ idea and that he loves Lesnar. Reigns Spears Lesnar through the barricade. Lesnar is almost counted out. Reigns lands another Spear. Lesnar kicks out. Reigns lands a Superman Punch. Reigns mugs for the crowd as Lesnar gets to his feet and starts laughing. Lesnar counters a Superman Punch with a German suplex. Lesnar hits five more German suplex. Reigns escapes the F5 and hits another Superman Punch. Reigns tries another Spear but Lesnar reverses it into the F5. Reigns kicks out at 2.9. Lesnar tries another F5 but Reigns goes for Lesnar’s eyes. Reigns tries to send Lesnar into the referee but the Lesnar puts on the breaks. Reigns Spears Lesnar into the referee.

Low blow by Reigns. Heyman hands Reigns the championship. Reigns hits Lesnar with the title. Lesnar kicks out. Reigns Spears Lesnar in the back. Lesnar gets his hands on the ropes. Lesnar counters a Spear with the Kimura. Reigns manages to get to the bottom rope. Lesnar uses the full five count. Heyman gives Reigns a pep talk. Reigns tells Heyman his shoulder is out. Lesnar picks Reigns up for another F5 but Reigns escapes and hits another Spear for the win!

Winner & NEW Undisputed Universal & WWE Champion: Roman Reigns

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars

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