Daniel Bryan loses to Roman Reigns in a Career Vs. Title Match

Daniel Bryan

Photo Credit: WWE

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We witnessed one of the huge main events in the Smackdown history when Daniel Bryan puts his entire career on the line against Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Unfortunately, Bryan was unable to defeat Reigns and his career is over.

As soon as the bell rings, Bryan hits the running dropkick on Reigns. Bryan tries to put Reigns on the Yes Lock but Reigns slides outside the ring. Bryan hits running knee off the apron as we go for commercial.

After the break, Bryan keeps Reigns under control and hits him with the running dropkicks in the corner. Reigns fights back with a vicious clothesline. Reigns puts Bryan in the sleeper hold. Bryan tries to fight back but once again Reigns hits him with an elbow and keeps him under control.

Bryan fights back with some uppercuts on Reigns followed with a drop toehold in the corner. Bryan tries to hit the hurricanranna but Reigns overpowers him and hits a powerbomb off the top rope for the nearfall and we go for another commercial.

After the break, Reigns dominated Bryan with brutal knee attacks in the corner. Bryan fights back and hits the back suplex on Reigns off the top rope for the two count. Bryan hits the Yes kicks on Reigns but Reigns counters it into an Samoan drop for the two count.

Reigns tries to hit the Superman Punch, but Bryan counters it with a kick in Reigns arm. Reigns hits a throwback suplex on Bryan at the ringside. Reigns sets up a spear at the ringside but Bryan moves and Reigns just rams himself through the barricade as we go for another commercial.

After the break, Bryan hits a diving headbutt on Reigns for the two count. Reigns hits the Superman Punch for another nearfall. Reigns goes for spear but Bryan rolls him up for another nearfall. Bryan hits the running knee on Reigns and goes for the pin, but Reigns put his foot on the ropes to break the pin.

Bryan stomps on Reigns face and puts him in Yes Lock. Reigns rolls him up for the pin and then Reigns hits a spear on Bryan, but Bryan kicks out at two. Reigns puts Bryan in the Guillotine Choke but Bryan counters it into Yes Lock. Reigns hits the Powerbomb on Bryan and just hits him with the vicious elbows.

Reigns puts Bryan in the Guillotine choke and Bryan passes out.

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1 thought on “Daniel Bryan loses to Roman Reigns in a Career Vs. Title Match

  1. “ Daniel Bryan loses to Roman Reigns in a Career Vs. Title Match”

    Well, that’s a lie.

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