AEW All Out 2022 Results (Sept. 04, 2022) – HUGE RETURN!!!

Photo Credit: AEW
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AEW All Out Full Results – Sept 04, 2022
Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti Vs. Ortiz & Ruby Soho – AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship Match
The match quickly begins; in the backstage area, Ortiz and Soho chase the champions down on a golfcart, and they attack them at ringside. The challengers control the match early on. Guevara gets busted open, but the champions gain the upper hand.
Anna J-A-S comes out and tries to interfere, but Soho slams her into the steps. Melo punches Soho on the top rope and supleces her onto Ortiz and Guevara at ringside.In the end, Melo pins Soho with the Tay-KO.
Winner: Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti.
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars.
HOOK Vs. Angelo Parker – FTW Championship
Parker takes the fight to HOOK, but the champion overpowers him. A distraction from Menard helps Parker blast HOOK in the eye and take control. Parker takes the champion down with a dropkick. HOOK rallies with a headbutt, and when Menard grabs his leg, he stomps on his hand.
HOOK tosses Parker with an Exploder suplex. Parker kicks HOOK’s nose. The champion drills him with body shots. He escapes a suplex and makes Parker tap out to the Redrum.
Winner: HOOK
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars.
PAC Vs. Kip Sabian – AEW All Atlantic Championship
Pac and Sabian feel each other out early on. The challenger stomps Pac in the corner and hits a cannonball. He directs the crowd’s volume like a maestro. Pac takes control and dumps Sabian to the mat. Sabian sends the champion out of the ring and hits a split-legged moonsault. Pac drops his opponent with a brainbuster on the floor.
Back in the ring, the two men trade blows. Pac drops the challenger with a barrage of strikes. They exchange shots, and Sabian plants Pac with a dragon suplex. Pac fires back with a suplex of his own. Sabian hits a brainbuster and slams Pac for a two count. Pac wrenches Sabian’s ear and floors him with a forearm. After a few stomps, he hits the Black Arrow for the win.
Winner: PAC
Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars.
Eddie Kingston Vs. Tomohiro Ishii
The two men trade stiff chops back and forth, over and over again. Kingston takes control and knocks Ishii down. The chops continue, and both men have red chests from the punishment. Ishii fires up with a barrage of strikes. They keep battling, and Ishii drops Kingston with a shot to the head. Kingston rallies with machine gun chops and suplexes Ishii. “The Stone Pitbull” no-sells some chops and suplexes Kingston. They slap each other in the face, and the two men are unwilling to go down. Kingston seemingly hurts his arm and lures Ishii in for a suplex. Ishii fires back with a suplex. Both men are down after some more stiff shots. Kingston hits a falling lariat and a powerbomb for a two count.
“The Mad King” gets another two count with a lariat. Ishii blasts Kingston with a lariat of his own. Kingston hits the back fist for a near fall. They keep going back and forth, and Kingston slams Ishii to the mat for the win.
Winner: Eddie Kingston
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.
Wheeler Yuta Vs. Rush Vs. Andrade Vs. Claudio Vs. Penta Vs. Fenix Vs. Dante Martin Vs. THE JOKER – Casino Ladder Match
Match starts with Rey Fenix and Wheeler Yuta. Fenix chops Yuta and Yuta returns the favor. They exchange a few more and then start to exchange forearms. Wheeler goes for a kick, but Fenix catches him and throws him into the corner. He hits a spinning springboard kick to Yuta in the corner and then sets a ladder up on the outside, leaning it on the barricade. He goes to the top rope and tries to hit a top move but Yuta hits elbows to the mid section and throws Fenix down to the ground. Yuta then hits a suicide dive that shoots Fenix into the ladder.
Rush is the next guy out as Wheeler sets up a ladder in the ring. Rush undresses as Yuta climbs the ladder. Fenix has to jump in the ring to pull him down due to Rush taking his time. Yuta tries to climb again but Rush finally enters the ring and hits Wheeler with a forearm before setting the ladder up in the corner. Yuta charges him but gest a backdrop on to the ladder. Fenix jumps on the apron but Rush hits him with a headbutt that knocks Fenix down and follows that up with a flip over the top rope and then starts throwing Fenix into every barricade he can find. He chokes him up with a cord and goes for another ladder.
Andrade is next out and he takes his time as well to undress. Rush is setting up a ladder in the ring but doesn’t climb as he welcomes Andrade into the ring. He then signals Andrade to climb up the ladder but instead they put a ladder on the ropes and bridge it onto the other ladder. Rush slams Fenix into the corner post and Rush & Andrade set another ladder up from the barricade to the ring apron. They both climb in and Andrade starts to climb as Rush climbs on the other side. Yuta and Fenix jump in and take Rush down. Andrade kicks Fenix down and Yuta goes up to stop Andrade. Andrade hits a flipping powerbomb over the ladder on to Yuta on to the bridged ladder.
Claudio is the next man up and he runs down to hit Rush with a European Uppercut. He checks on Yuta and then enters the ring. Claudio slides the bridged ladder all the way through the standing ladder so that it stands on its own. Andrade tries to climb the ladder with Claudio but Claudio jumps down and tips the ladder over but its stuck due to the other ladder being wedged in. Andrade is holding on for his life as Andrade continues to push the ladders which eventually throws Andrade out of the ring. Claudio starts to fix the ladders as Fenix jumps in the ring.
Dante Martin is next and he runs down to the ring. He jumps over the ladder that Claudio and Fenix try to hit him with and uses his speed to out maneuver all their attempts. They end up out of the ring and as he goes for a springboard move to the outside, Yuta sets up the ladder and starts climbing. Martin jumps on to the ladder and takes off Yuta. Claudio comes in and goes for the uppercut but Martin springs on to the ladder. He drops down for a hurricanrana but Claudio catches him with a powerbomb and they both go out of the ring.
Penta is next. Martin charges but Penta hits a panama sunrise on the ramp. He then hits Rush with a slingblade and a superkick to Yuta. Claudio slows him down for a minute but Penta ends up hitting him with a backstabber. Andrade jumps up and attacks Penta and goes for a death valley driver on the apron but Penta fights out of it. They move over to the ladder on the apron and he hits Andrade with a panama sunrise on the ladder to Andrade. Fenix then flies off the top rope to the outside and goes through a table that had Rush laying on it. In the ring, Yuta and Claudio are setting up the ladder and they both begin to climb it. Martin jumps over Claudio and goes to the top but then a group of masked men push the ladder over and start to take out everyone in the match. One last masked man climbs the ladder and takes the poker chip. The man reveals himself to be Stokely and the rest of the masked men are his group.
The Joker is next and a man in a mask comes out very slowly. He enters the ring as Stokely Hathaway holds the chip for him. He hands the poker chip over to The Joker and the match is over, with The Joker being the winner. He starts to reveal himself but then changes his mind and tells the crowd “no no no.” The group leaves.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.
The Elite Vs. Dark Order & Hangman Page – AEW Trio Tag Team Championships
Match starts with Hangman and Nick Jackson. A quick arm lock, reversal and another reversal that leads to a rope shoulder block. Jackson gets up and the two exchange in more reversals of kicks and clotheslines. They share a secret handshake before Matt Jackson tags in and Reynolds from Dark Order gets the tag in as well.
These two exchange wrist lock holds and gymnastics before staring each other down. Reynolds goes for a handshake but gets spit in the face. Reynolds tackles Matt and starts throwing fists until the ref pulls him off. They lock up in the center of the ring, Silver tags in blind and he attacks Matt’s lower back from behind. Silver and Reynolds stomp away on Matt’s back until Page stops them. Page tags in and helps Matt up but Matt is mad and shrugs it off. Kenny Omega gets the tag and the two men stare each other down. After a bit of jawing back and forth, they back up before locking up. They back out quickly and stretch before going back in for another lock up. They back into Hangman’s corner and Silver tags himself in. He attacks Kenny from behind and drops Kenny to the ground. A wrist lock to Kenny as Reynolds tags himself in and throws Kenny into the corner face first before doing another wrist lock. Silver tags in and they do a double drop toe hold followed by a double drop kick to a downed Omega.
Silver holds another wrist lock but Page tags himself in. Silver and Page give each other a look which allows Kenny to hit a chop on Page. Page follows up with one of his own followed by a big boot to the face of Omega. Kenny gets up but ends up getting a fallaway slam. Page knocks Matt off the apron but when he goes for a springboard dropkick on Omega, he gets superkicked by Nick. The Young Bucks then take out the other members of Dark Order leaving Page all alone to get taken out by Omega. Matt gets a tag and hits a flying elbow drop for a 2 count. He pulls Hangman over to his corner and tags in Nick who hits a slingshot swanton before going at Hangman with multiple stomps and shoulder thrusts in the corner. Matt gets tagged in and the Bucks hit a double team move with Omega getting a blind tag, and hitting an overhead fameasser. The Bucks hit a backbreaker on Page and then take out Silver from the apron.
Omega takes Page to his corner and slowly starts to pick him apart before pulling him out and going for a fireman’s carry. Page slithers out and takes out both Bucks before hitting Kenny with a death valley driver. Hangman climbs over to the corner and tags in Silver. Johnny Hungee takes out Matt Jackson with multiple clotheslines and then takes out Omega, Cutler and Nakazowa. But then gets kicked by Nick Jackson. As Nick goes for Hangman, Silver attacks him and holds him up for a brainbuster on the outside as Reynolds flies out for a double team move. SIlver goes back in and hits Matt Jackson with a Spin Doctor and goes for the pin. Omega breaks it up but Reynolds throws Omega out as he and Silver then double team Matt Jackson. Matt is able to reverse and hit a northern lights suplex on both men. He tags in Omega who hits a cross body on Silver. A snapdragon on Reynolds, Hangman and goes for one on Silver but John reverses it and hits a few kicks before Omega finally hits the snap dragon on him as well. Now all three start hitting back elbows to Silver in the corner but they miss the third and now Reynolds, Hangman and Silver take their turn on Omega. They hit a german suplex and Reynolds rolls Omega up for a very close 3 count but Kenny kicks out.
Page and Reynolds up Kenny up and as Silver goes for a move, the Bucks trip him up and superkick Page and Reynolds. Kenny hits a V Trigger on Silver and then chaos ensues on the outside while Kenny revs up and flies over to take everyone out. Kenny throws Reynolds in and tags in Matt Jackson as Reynolds looks for a tag, but nobody is there. Matt goes for a powerbomb in the corner as Nick and Omega do a kick but it’s reversed into a hurricanrana and they kick their own team mate. Reynolds and Page hold Matt up again and they hit a pendulum bomb on Matt. They all cover him and Nick jumps off the top rope to break up the count. Everyone is down for a good minute. Silver is in one corner and Nick Jackson hits him with multiple knee and elbow strikes. Reynolds kicks Nick, Matt kicks Reynolds and then all 4 superkick each other to take them all out once again.
Omega and Page both enter the ring and face off yet again. Ref tells them to leave the ring, they aren’t legal. So they both drag the legal men to their corner and tag each other in. They begin exchanging forearms. Page hits a boot, Omega hits a forearm, Kenny then hits a v trigger and a tiger driver. He goes for the pin but only gets 2. Omega goes up top but Hangman pushes his legs out and goes up top as well. Page then hits a flipping fallaway slam from the top rope but only gets a 2 count. Page goes to the apron for the Buckshot Lariat and hits it to the back of Kennys head and goes back to the outside again. Matt grabs his foot and allows Omega to get up. Page goes for it but misses and Matt hits a buckshot on Page. They hit the BTE trigger and go for the pin but Reynolds breaks up the pin. They exit the ring and its Omega and Page again. As Omega goes for a v trigger, Silver hits him with a kick and rolls Omega up as Reynolds holds the Bucks for a 2 count. Silver sets Omega up for a move but Kenny hits a v trigger. Kenny goes for the One Winged Angel but Silver reverses it and rolls Kenny up for a 2 count. Silver holds Kenny up and Page goes for the buckshot lariat again, but Kenny falls and Page hits Silver. Kenny covers Silver for the 3 count and The Elite are your winners!
Winner & NEW AEW Trios Tag Team Champions: The Elite
Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Jade Cargill (c) Vs. Athena – AEW TBS Championship
Athena takes the fight to Cargill. She hits the O-Face for two count, and The Baddies pull her out of the ring. Athena kicks Grey into the barricade. Cargill gains the upper hand and throws Athena across the ring. Athena perseveres and goes for the O-Face but Cargill counters.
Athena dodges the Jaded and hits the champion with a superkick. She gets a two count with a Stunner. Cargill blasts her with a boot and hits the Jaded for the victory.
Winner: Jade Cargill.
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars.
FTR & Wardlow Vs. Jay Lethal & Motor City Machine Guns – Trios Match
Match starts with Wardlow and Jay Lethal. Wardlow smirks as Lethal thinks about staying in the ring. He circles Wardlow for a few seconds and then spits on Wardlow. Wardlow goes for a clothesline but Lethal ducks it. Wardlow goes for another but Lethal ducks it again and takes Wardlow down. He goes for a figure four but spins around and Wardlow ends up back on his feet to go for another powerbomb but MCMG stepped in to slow things down. Sabin gets tagged in and Dax tags in as well. Quick tie up and push away three times before Sabin ends up hitting an arm drag on Dax. Sabin goes in for a handshake but pushes Dax in the face, they then exchange slaps. Shelley and Cash come in and they do a face off real quick. Ring clears and Dax and Sabin do another tie up that ends with Dax hitting a shoulder tackle. Dax takes Sabin down again with right hands and then Dax chases Sunjay Dutt around the ring which allows Sabin to get the advantage and after a quick team work from MCMG, Sabin hits a cutter and then tags in Shelley. Shelley puts Dax in the corner and taunts him, but Dax responds with a big chop and back body suplex. Cash tags in and FTR hits a double right hand to the head and a double team move that gets Cash a 2 count. Shelley responds with a jaw breaker but it isn’t enough as Cash chops Shelley down and then tags in Wardlow. Shelley tries to chop Wardlow but Wardlow grabs him by the throat. Sabin jumps in and he gets grabbed by the throat. MCMG kicks him in the gut and goes for a double suplex but Wardlow reverses it and hits one on them.
Dax tags in and Lethal hits him with a Lethal Injection to give Shelley the advantage. Sabin gets the tag and MCMG hits a few double team moves, followed by a pin attempt that gets them 2. Sabin pulls Dax to the corner and Lethal tags in. He hits Dax with some right hands but Dax starts chopping back. Lethal starts to lose control so he sends Dax into his corner and Sabin tags in. They keep Harwood in the corner and do a double foot choke before tagging in Shelley. Dax backs into another corner and MCMG tries for a double team move and Sabin ends up hitting a big boot to Shelley. Cash gets the tag and he runs in and starts hitting right hands and uppercuts. Cash hits a knee lift to Shelley followed by a corner uppercut and a lariat. Cash goes for a fireman carry but Shelley reverses it but Cash reverses his as well and hits a nice face slam. After a break down with all members of the match, Shelley hits a dropkick to Cash’s knee and gains the advantage.
Lethal tags in and starts to wrap Cash knee around the corner. Sabin does as well as the match starts to slow down. Cash is stuck in the corner as Sabin hits a dragon screw on the rope to Cash knee and then Lethal does the same. Lethal tags in and immediately goes for the figure four. Cash gets out but Lethal tags in Shelley and he immediately hooks the leg. Cash hits a few upkicks and gets to his feet. Shelley holds on and Cash hits a few elbows but Shelley drops him with a back kick to his knee. Shelley tags Sabin and he runs in but Cash picks him up and hits a modified backbreaker on his knee that leaves both men down.
Wardlow comes in and starts hitting a spinebuster on everyone. He hits an F10 on Jay Lethal that only gets him a 2 count. Wardlow drags Lethal over to the corner but MCMG takes out FTR with superkicks. Big man Singh hits Wardlow with a right hand and Lethal rolls him up but only gets a 2 count. Lethal and MCMG start triple teaming Wardlow in the ring. He ends up in the tree of woe and all three members hit him with drop kicks to the head. MCMG pulls Wardlow to the center of the ring and Jay Lethal hits a big elbow from the top rope that gets him a 2 count. Lethal and MCMG begin triple teaming Wardlow again but Dax comes in and hits Sabin with a Liger bomb. They hit Shelley with the Big Rig but then Jay Lethal hits a double Lethal Injection on FTR. Wardlow is back on his feet and meets Lethal with a headbutt. Wardlow starts to play to the crowd and hits another powerbomb on Jay. More playing to the crowd and another powerbomb to Lethal followed by a 4th.
Wardlow pins Jay Lethal for the 1, 2, 3 and wins the match.
After the match Samoa Joe returns and takes out the big man Singh and throws Dutt in the ring for FTR. Dax’s daughter comes to the ring. She breaks Dutt’s pencil, Dax knocks Dutt out and his daughter pins him while the ref counts to 3.
Winner: Wardlow & FTR.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Ricky Starks Vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
Starks and Hobbs take the fight to each other, and the latter overpowers his former partner. Outside of the ring, Hobbs slams Starks into the barricade. Powerhouse continues to dominate, and he wrenches Starks’ head in a chin-lock. Starks rallies with some punches and a tornado DDT. Hobbs floors Starks with a spienbuster for the win.
Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs.
Ratings: 2 out of 5 stars.
Swerve in our Glory Vs. The Acclaimed – AEW World Tag Team Championships
Swerve and Bowens start the match off. Bowens gets a hold of Swerve’s back and takes him to the mat two times. Swerve gets up and grabs Bowens leg to take him down. Swerve transitions to the arm and then back to the leg but Bowens is able to get to his feet. After a quick back and forth with the counters, Swerve rolls Bowens up but only for 2. Swerve hits a drop toe hold and then grabs Bowens leg as he tags in Keith Lee. Bowens scrambles away and tags in Max Caster.
They go for a tie up but Max ducks underneath and puts Keith in a side headlock. Lee throws Max in the ropes and takes 2 shoulder thrusts but when Max goes for a 3rd, Lee goes for a throw but Max lands on his feet and Keith looks impressed. They start hitting the ropes again and after Keith jumps over and drops down Max stops himself as they give each other props. Back to the action, Max goes for some right hands to the gut followed by a dropkick but Keith grabs him and throws him in the corner. Keith charges but Max gets his legs up and hits a hurricanrana on Keith Lee. Max goes for a double leg but can’t take Keith down. He then tries a sunset flip but can’t take him down again. Swerve tags in and gets drop kicked by Max. Bowens comes in and both Acclaimed members dropkick Keith out of the ring. Bowens hits the scissor me daddy with Billy Gunn as Keith and Swerve collect themselves on the outside.
Keith is back in and faces off with Max. They go for a handshake but Lee hits him with a right hand and that starts to beat Max down. A quick attack to Max’s back gets Lee a 2 count before sending Max to his corner and tags in Swerve. Swerve hits a top rope uppercut to a downed Max that gets him a 2 count before pulling him back to his corner where Lee tags himself back in. Max is held as Keith Lee comes in and hits a huge double chop to Caster’s chest. Lee starts to stalk Max as he crawls to the corner. Keith hits some shoulder thrusts to Max’s back and then sets him up on the top rope. Keith goes up after him but Max hits a few elbows to knock Lee down. Max then flies off the top rope for a diving cutter on Keith Lee leaving both men down.
Hot tag to both men and Bowens takes Swerve down with 2 clotheslines and a neckbreaker. Bowens hits a right hand, takes Lee off the apron and then hits a brainbuster on Swerve that gets him a 2 count. Swerve goes to the corner and Bowens runs in but misses. Swerve comes in but gets a kick to the head. Bowens goes up top and goes for a move but his leg buckles. Swerve tries to take advantage but Bowens is able to fight back and hits the over the head fameasser on Swerve but immediately grabs his leg. Billy Gunn checks on Bowens but Swerve has now gotten up. He goes after Bowens and catches his legs before tossing him over the top to the outside. As Billy Gunn checks on him, Swerve hits a baseball slide taking out Bowens before targeting the knee and sending Bowens back in the ring.
After a 2 count, Swerve starts targeting the knee some more with some knee drops before tagging in Keith Lee. Swerve and Lee hit a modified knee breaker to Bowens on Lee’s knee and then Keith starts slamming the knee to the mat. Lee hits a big splash on the knee and goes for a pinfall, 2 count. Bowens crawls to a corner and Keith hits a massive running splash, followed by a double chop before tossing Bowens clear across to the other side of the ring. Bowens gets up and tries to pump himself up. He attacks Lee with some forearms before going to the top rope and flying off with a flipping neck breaker. Lee is down and Bowens crawls over for a tag. Swerve comes in and Max takes him down. He clotheslines Lee and then takes Swerve out of the ring. He clotheslines Lee again and hits a dive on Swerve to the outside. He jumps to the top rope and hits a cross body on Keith Lee that gets him a 2 count. Bowens and Caster start hitting flying elbows to Lee in the corner before Max tries to pick up Keith Lee.
Keith hits a shoulder thrust that sends Swerve out of the ring on accident and Bowens hits a kick to a downed Lee. Caster gets a quick 2 count and then the Acclaimed pick Keith Lee up. Lee takes down Bowens and then throws Caster out of the ring by the throat. Bowens hits a few right hands and then his knee gives out which allows Keith to take Bowens down with a kick. Keith Lee goes to the top rope and Max Caster runs to meet him up top. Bowens joins Max and they start beating down Lee with chops. Acclaimed hit a top rope superplex on Keith but Swerve tags in. Swerve flies off with his coup de gras on Bowens and goes for a pin but only gets 2! Out of anger, Swerve grabs Bowens knee and starts stomping his head trying to get a half crab. Caster flies off the top rope and hits a missile dropkick to Swerve to break the hold. Max pulls Bowens over to the corner and tags himself in. Caster goes for Swerve and rolls him up but Swerve rolls through and hits his jumping kick to the back of Max’s head. Only gets 2! Swerve goes for a springboard move but Bowens catches his foot and pulls him down. Bowens holds Swerve on the apron and Max hits a Mic Drop to the outside on Swerve.
Max throws Swerve in and helps Bowens up but this allows Keith to get back in. Keith hits a double chop on Bowens which then causes Billy Gunn to distract Keith Lee. Max Caster gets up, hits Keith with a right hand, superkick and an Attitude Adjustment on Keith Lee!!! Bowens tags in and hits a modified spinebuster on Swerve and Max hits the Mic Drop again but Keith Lee breaks up the tag!!!
Bowens rolls Keith out of the ring and Max has Swerve on the ropes. Swerve pulls Max over and hits a death valley driver on Max to the apron. Bowens pulls Swerve in and Swerve starts to chop his bad knee before hitting a back breaker on Bowens. Lee blind tags and Bowens kicks Swerve. Bowens is able to fight off the double team and Swerve hits Lee with a spinning kick on accident that allows Bowens to get 2 count on Lee. Swerve comes into the ring but Bowens takes him out with a driver. As Bowens goes for an overhead fameasser on Keith, Lee holds him up and takes him to the corner where Swerve comes down with the tag team finisher and Keith Lee pins Bowens.
Winners by pinall, Swerve in our Glory!f
Winner: Swerve in our Glory
Ratings: 5 out of 5 stars.
Britt Baker Vs. Jamie Hayter Vs. Hikaru Shida Vs. Toni Storm – Fatal 4 Way for the Interim AEW Women’s Championship
Jamie jumps Toni and Britt jumps Shida but the tides turn quickly when Britt exits the ring and Hayter gets stomped in the corner. Shida gets thrown out and Storm and Hayter are left in the ring. Toni hits a dropkick to Hayter and starts hitting chops. Toni bounces off the ropes but Britt trips her up. Shida attacks Britt before going in the ring and hits a running knee to Hayter in the corner. As Shida goes to the top, Britt grabs Shida which allows Hayter to carry her out of the ring. All 4 women start exchanging roll ups in the ring before Hayter stops the nonsense and grabs Shida with a single leg crab. Britt goes for lock jaw but Toni stops that. Toni then goes for a modified arm bar on Toni but Britt hits Toni with a superkick.
Britt goes for a lock jaw on Shida again but Shida rolls out. She bounces off the ropes and Britt hits a slingblade on Shida. Storm goes after Baker but gets a sling blade as well. Shida is back on her feet and hits a few shots to Britt’s back before hitting a back breaker that sends Britt out of the ring. Hayter starts hitting running back elbows to the corner on Shida and Storm and then follows that up with a double suplex on both girls and a double lariat to the grounded opponents.
Hayter starts dropping rights on Toni before picking her up and putting her on the top rope. Hayter throws Toni into the ropes but Storm catches herself. Hayter charges and goes outside. Toni flies out with a suicide dive to Hayter but then gets taken out by Britt Baker. Shida knocks Britt Baker down and throws her into the barricade as Toni does the same to Hayter. Toni and Shida both enter the ring to face off against each other. After a few reversals, Shida hits an arm drag but Toni gets right back to her feet to hit a shoulder thrust. Shida returns a shoulder thrust of her own before both ladies start to exchange forearm shots. Rebel enters the ring to stop them but gets a double headbutt. This small distraction allows Britt and Jamie to take Storm and Shida out. Shida is thrown out and Hayter stomps Toni down in the corner before both ladies go outside to double team Shida. Hayter fireman carries Shida up the ramp and throws her down on the entrance ramp where Britt hits the stomp to her. Britt throws the kendo stick on her and they leave her laid out as they head back to the ring to double team Toni Storm.
Doctors are checking Shida as Hayter is choking Toni Storm out in the ring while Baker watches. Toni kicks Hayter and then drop toe holds Britt. Storm goes up to the top and hits a flying crossbody to Hayter that gives her a 2 count but Britt comes right back with hands that takesToni Storm out. Jamie gets up and starts to choke Toni in the corner again. Britt and Hayter start getting forearms from Storm but after a kick from Britt, the two ladies hit Storm with a suplex. Shida runs back to the ring with 2 kendo sticks where she starts hitting both Britt and Hayter with them. Shida sends them both in the corner and climbs up to hit them both with the 10 count punches. Hayter drops to her butt and Shida hits a suplex on Britt into Hayter. As Baker rolls out, Shida hits a suplex from the apron into the ring on Hayter. After a kick to Jamie, Britt hits a superkick to Shida and then Storm hits a boot to Jamie. Shida tries to hit an Alabama Slam on Jamie but Britt pulls her down for an awkward pin that has Jamie and Britt pinning Shida but Storm breaks it up.
All four ladies start trading blows in the center of the ring. Hayter takes Storm down with a boot, Shida takes Britt down with a kick and then Shida takes down Hayter with a falcon arrow. Storm breaks up the pin and hits a german suplex on Shida. Shida rolls up Britt but Jamie pulls Shida off and tombstones her. Storm flies off the top and Britt is now the lone woman standing after a stomp to Shida. Britt goes for the pin but only gets a 2 count. Britt pulls out the glove as she sets up the lock jaw but Toni Storm throws Britt out. Jamie throws Toni out and picks up Shida where she hits a rip cord lariat on Shida. 1…2…BRITT BAKER PULLS THE REF OUT! Jamie Hayter is now pissed and Toni Storm hits Storm Zero on Hayter. Britt slides in and throws Storm out and goes for the pin on Hayter. 1…2…KICKOUT! Toni Storm hits a big ddt on Baker and then another one on Hayter.
Toni Storm pins Jamie Hayter to get the pinfall and is your new interim champion!
Winner & NEW AEW Interim Women’s Champion: Toni Storm
Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.
Jungle Boy Vs. Christian Cage
Before the match even started Luchasaraus attacked JB on the ramp and chokeslam him followed with a razor’s edge through the table.
The ref rings the bell and Christian hits the spear followed with a Kill Switch for the victory.
Winner: Christian Cage
Ratings: 1 out of 5 stars.
Bryan Danielson Vs. Chris Jericho
Danielson and Jericho feel each other out, and “The American Dragon” stomps the latter. Jericho gains the upper hand and takes Danielson to the mat. Danielson takes control, but Jericho drills him with some elbows. They trade chops, and “Lionheart” drops Danielson with a backbreaker. Danielson floors Jericho with a missile dropkick. He counters the Walls once, but Jericho blocks a hurricanrana and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Danielson rolls through and gets a two count. Jericho goes crashing to the floor when Danielson dodges him in the corner. “The American Dragon” dives through the ropes and lands on Jericho. Danielson goes for a diving headbutt, but Jericho evades it. “The American Dragon” counters the Lionsault and goes for the LeBell Lock. Jericho transitions and locks in the Walls, but Danielson escapes.
Jericho drops Danielson with a piledriver and hits the Lionsault for a two count. Danielson blasts Jericho with some elbows and traps him in the LeBell Lock. He switches to a triangle choke, and Jericho escapes. He hits a Codebreaker for a two count. Jericho locks Danielson in the Liontamer. He punches Danielson and tells him to stay down. Danielson fires up and hits the running jnee. He locks in the Cattle Mutilation and elbows Jericho some more. “The American Dragon” kicks Jericho and drills him with a rolling elbow. Jericho kicks Danielson below the belt and pins him with the Judas Effect.
Winner: Chris Jericho
Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Miro, Sting & Darby Allin Vs. House of Black – Trios Match
Miro and Malakai start the match with an intense staredown. They lock up and Miro backs Black into the corner and starts to beat him down with rights and stomps. Brodie pulls Miro off but gets shoulder thrusts from Miro for his efforts. This allows Black to attack with multiple kicks to Miro to take control. Buddy Mathews gets a tag and jumps off the top rope but Miro catches him and hits a belly over back suplex. Darby wants to tag but Miro says no. Buddy tries to jump off the rope again and gets caught again. Miro hits a side slam and then denies another tag to Darby. This distraction allows Buddy to hit a jawbreaker that sends Miro into his corner which allows Darby to get the tag.
Darby flies in and hits a lot of offense on Buddy before he gets caught and Malakai catches him with a kick. Black tags in and starts to beat Darby down with kicks and stomps in the corner. Brodie tags himself in and chops Darby down before throwing him with force into the corner upside down. He picks Darby up and throws him to the opposite corner in the same manner. Brodie picks Darby up and sets him on the top rope before chopping him down and on to the ground. King follows to the floor and sends Darby into the barricades a few times before throwing him back into the ring. Brodie enters the ring and chokes Darby in the corner where Malakai tags back in and kicks Allin in the back. He holds Darby down with a headlock but only for a moment. He finds a way out but finds himself back in the House of Black’s corner and Buddy tags in. He hits 2 massive chops before Darby starts to fight out of the corner but gets met with a lifting knee to the face from Buddy. Mathews takes Sting off the apron with a cheap shot but Miro tags in. Miro charges but the ref doesn’t see the tag and is telling him to exit the ring which allows Buddy to throw Darby back into his corner. He blindsides Miro with a kick but this gives Darby time to tag in Sting who comes in and starts taking over with punches and Stinger splashes to everyone. Brodie tries to charge him but Sting pulls the top rope down and sends him to the floor.
Sting grabs Buddy and throws him to Malakai so that he can tag in. Sting wants Malakai Black. The two faceoff for a moment before the two start exchanging shots back and forth. Black gets the advantage momentarily with a kick but Sting comes back, takes Black down and puts the Scorpion Deathlock on. Buddy hits a running kick but Sting no-sells. Buddy hits a forearm and Sting no-sells again. Buddy and Brodie both take a shot and this allows Black to reverse the move into a leg lock on Sting. Miro tries to pull Black out by the hair but Buddy kicks him on the apron. The House of Black triple teams Sting but he escapes and tags in Darby Allin. Sting hits the scorpion death drop on Brodie and Darby hits the coffin drop and goes for the pin. Buddy breaks it up at 2. Buddy then hits a chop block on Sting, Miro takes out Buddy and then Miro kicks Brodie off the apron. Miro charges around the ring to take out Buddy but he gets hit with the bat and then crashes into the steps. Buddy enters the ring and Darby hits him with the overhead stunner followed by his cannonball dive out of the ring.
Malakai and Sting are left in the ring and as he goes for the Black Mass, Sting hits Black with mist to blind him. Darby flies back in the ring and does his modified pin on Malakai Black to pick up the win.
Winner: Sting, Miro & Darby Allin
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.
Jon Moxley (c) Vs. CM Punk – AEW World Championship
Moxley flips Punk off. Punk quickly hits the GTS. The challenger takes the fight to the champion, and the match quickly spills into the crowd. Punk is in control, and he brings Moxley back to ringside. He slams Moxley into the steps. Moxley rallies by slamming Punk head-first into the ring post, and the blow busts the challenger open. Moxley punches Punk and opens up his wound. He continues to beat Punk up. The champion drills Punk with elbows to the head. He chops Punk in the corner. Punk rallies, but Moxley takes him down with a kneebreaker. He wrenches Punk’s surgically-repaired foot and stomps on his abdomen. He continues to grind the wound on Punk’s head. Punk rakes Moxley’s eye to escape a heel hook. The challenger flips off Mox, and the champion plans him with a piledriver.
Punk gains some breathing room by slamming Moxley shoulder-first onto the ring apron. He stomps on Moxley and locks in the Anaconda Vice, but the champion bites his way out. Punk slams Moxley, but the champion counters a diving elbow into a chokehold. He transitions and locks in the Bulldog Choke, but Punk escapes. He traps Punk in an ankle lock, but the challenger reaches the ropes. Punk springs to his feet and kicks Moxley, who fires back with a clothesline. Moxley escapes the GTS. The two competitors trade shots. Moxley reverses the GTS again and hits the Death Rider for a two count. He hits some hammer and anvil elbows before he locks in the Bulldog Choke. Punk rolls through, escapes, and hits the GTS. Moxley lands on Punk, apparently unconscious. Punk goes for another GTS, and Punk hits it for the win.
Winner & NEW AEW World Champion: CM Punk
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.
Punk celebrates after the match until the lights go out. Some audio of Tony Khan plays, and he’s talking about someone’s prolonged absence. He says he’ll swallow a bitter pill by putting this person in the Casino Ladder Match without even giving him an extension. A clip of CM Punk saying, “The Greatest trick the devil ever played is making everyone think he didn’t exist.” The Joker takes off his mask, says he’s the devil, and pits on a burberry scarf. Back in the arena, the lights come up, MJF’s theme song plays, and he comes to the stage. He stares down Punk and motions for the title. He then flips off everyone as the show comes to a close.