AEW All Out Results

Photo Credit: AEW
AEW All Out Results – 5th Sept. 2020
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Joey Janela w/Sonny Kiss Vs. Serpentico w/Luther
Janela immediately comes firing away at Serpentico. The two quickly brawl on the outside. Joey scales the ropes, but Serpentico sends him off the apron and off the floor. Sonny Kiss gets decked too. They go back in the ring. Serpentico gets a flapjack on Joey for a one count. Joey goes hard into the second turnbuckle as Serpentico feeds him a knee strike. Cover and just a one-count again. He gets sent to the outside. Luther tosses him into the barricade before putting him back in the ring. Senton and then a two count.
Snap suplex. Tony Schiavone notes how much he likes Serpentico. He takes a lot of time before bailing and then just stomps on Janela. That awakens Bad Boy but some knee strikes down Joey. Foot stomp and another one count. Serpentico climbs once more. Goes fot a swanton but Janela gets the knees up. He hits him with a DVD, thrust kick and then a blue thunder bomb. Bad Boy gets a near fall. JOey goes for a moonsault, misses and Serpentico gets a thrust kick and delivers a low DDT. Two count for Serpentico.
He ascends once more but Joey stops him. Hard elbows and forearms on the tope before hitting a super fisherman’s suplex. Only a two.
Luther soon grabs the ankle of Joey, but Sonny comes in to equal the field. He and Serpentico go back and forth again. Joey climbs up top and delivers a big elbow drop for the victory
Winner: Joey Janela