AEW All Out Results

Photo Credit: AEW
Chris Jericho Vs. Orange Cassidy – Mimosa Mayhem Match
Orange feigns his pockets spot but then charges at Chris, codebreaker! Two count. Jericho chops OC.He send Orange hard into the corner before playing to the crowd for boos. Orange fights back, but Jericho soon goes for the Walls. He catapaults him over the ropes and nearly into the vat. Nothing doing. Jericho tosses a table at Orange. He hits him with a tray over the head, shattering it into pieces. Jericho goes to toss him once more into the vat, but Orange throws him off the platform. Orange follows up with a plancha. Hard shots by Cassidy on the outside.
The two fight back onto the platform as they exchange shots. Very 90s action movie right now. Some Y2J chants going down at Daily’s Place. Orange fights back.He goes for a hurricanrana but Chris catches him. He looks to powerbomb him into the vat, but Orange fires away with punches causing Chris to powerbomb him on the table of bubbly instead. Very little of the match has been in ring. Jericho gets kicked by Cassidy and then hits him with a champagne bucket. Hard battle between the two as they finally meet centre ring. They find themselves on the other side and Cassidy nearly gets kicked in the vat, but sunset flips over and hits a Michinoku Driver on Jericho for a near fall in the middle of the ring.
Aubrey Edwards clears the canvas of debris. The two men are on their knees trading shots. A Stungun Millionaire takes Chris out, but Jericho reverses his spinning DDT attempt into a Walls of Jericho. Orange crawls to the vate and gets a container half-full of mimosa. He splashes Chris in the face with it and hits Chris with an Orange Punch. Orange tosses him over, but only Kericho’s leg crashes in the vat. Jericho grabs hold to try to send Orange into the vat, but Orange fights free from the top and they find themselves on the next corner. Chris throws Cassidy back in the center ring but a Orange hits a tope rope hurricanrana, hits a running PK and covers Jericho for a two count.
Chris soon catches Cassidy mid-springboard with a Codebreaker, but it’s only a two count! Cassidy looks dazed as Jericho argues with Aubrey. Chris looks to lawn dart Cassidy in the vat but Orange latches his legs on the ropes. Chris looks to Razor’s Edge Cassidy from the top rope into the vat, but two Orange Punches plummets Jericho into the orange bubbly!
Winner: Orange Cassidy