AEW All Out Results

Photo Credit: AEW
Hikaru Shida (c) Vs. Thunder Rosa
It’s back and forth and Rosa downs Shida. Shida triangles but Rosa bombs her. Rosa goes for an ankle lock but Shida makes it to the ropes. Full nelson by Rosa but reversed and the two go back and forth. Kick and then forearms by Rosa. Shida hits back and Rosa chops her. Arm drag by Rosa but followed up with a Frankensteiner. Two dropkicks and both begin trash-talking. Shida shoves, Rosa boots and elbows. She corners Shida and stomps a mudhole onto the champ. Rosa snapmares and back kicks. She maintains an offensive attack. Hard chops in the corner. Two double knees in the opposite corner by Rosa. Near fall.
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Shida evens the odds. Rosa is hanging over the apron and Shida hits a running knee strike. Shida sets up a chair, but Rosa leaps off and strikes Shida on teh outside with a counter. She continues to attack and tosses her back onto the canvas. Rosa wrenches Shida’s back across the corner post. She then gives a running kick to Shida’s skull into the post. A cover and a very near three count.
Rosa looking for a Thunder Driver but does an Oklahoma Stampede instead into a backbreaker. Two count. Shida soon locks in a buzzkiller mid-ring and Thunder rolls back fro a pin attempt. Hanging pendulum submission by Rosa before bouncing Shida’s head off the bottom turnbuckle. A double leg drop mid-ring gets turned into an almost stretch muffler, but Rosa regains control. Rosa goes for a bomb but Shida shakes free. She once more almost locks in a stretch muffler but no dice. The two charge at one another and hits a running knee strike. Shida hits a suplex for two. Shida goes for a falcon arrow but Rosa rolls over for a two count.
Shida tosses Hikaru in the corner but Thunder hits her with a leaping clothesline before driving her knees into the champ. She sends Shida onto the stage. Looks for a DVD but Shide escapes. She lifts Rosa up to the top turnbuckle, but Rosa does grab Shida and sends her down with a DVD on the apron.
Rosa wrenches the arm of Shida mid-ring, but Hikaru gets her leg on the ropes. Rosa climbs up top but Shida sends her down with a suplex. Rosa runs but Shida ducks and Thunder tumbles on stage. A meteora crashes down on Thunder to the outside!
The two get back in the ring and trade shots on the mat. Knee strikes by Thunder, but Shida catches her hard with one of her own. German suplex by Rosa, falcon arrow by Shida and Rosa kicks out at 1! Rosa rolls her up for a a close one but Shida soon goes for the Full Metal Muffler and Rosa makes it to the ropes. Backstabber by Rosa for a near fall.
Thunder spins Shida, Shida rolls free and the two get stalemated. Shida catches Rosa with one unique backbreaker. Close fall. SHida hits the her running knee finisher for the rock solid victory.
Winner: Hikaru Shida