AEW Blood and Guts Results (05th May 2021)


Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

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The Inner Circle Vs. The Pinnacle – Blood and Guts Match

Dax and Sammy start the bout off. Sammy charges and leaps over into the other ring with a rolling leg kick. Sammy is on fire. Flourishes with a dropkick. Dax hits an Arn spinebuster and instinctively goes for a cover. Guevera slams him into the corner of the steel before hitting a jumping heel kick. Both men try to grind one another’s faces against the steel mesh. Dax gets toppled in between the cage and the ropes.  His knee gets banged up. Sammy slams him side to side in the cage.

Sammy leaps off with a cutter on Dax as Spears gets in the ring with a chair. He downs Sammy and wedges the chair in the corner. Sammy fights back. Dax is covered in blood. Shawn wrecks Sammy with a chair and is near orgasmic in the results. Countdown begins.  In comes Ortiz who tosses a chair. He takes it to both adversaries. Shawn and Sammy balance one another on the ropes and Ortiz throws a chair at Spears to set him up for a Spanish fly.  Sammy is bleeding now too as IC look to be in control. In comes Wheeler. He takes on both men.  Spears stomps on the jaw of Sammy as FTR hit an assisted brainbuster.

Santana is chomping at the bit to get in. Spears has Sammy in a sharpshooter. Gory special to Ortiz has him smashed into the steel mesh. In comes Santana. He lays Wheeler out with an uranage. We go to break.

Back from it, Wardlow is tossing Inner Circle around and then Hager comes in to do the same with lariats and boots. Hager Bomb. He gets Spears in an ankle lock who taps, but match doesn’t end as all men aren’t in. Wardlow and Hager trade strikes. Two men fight between ropes and the cage. In comes MJF. Spears hit a C4. Wardlow hits a chop block on Hager to protect MJF. There’s blood all over the place. Cash is really bleeding. The Pinnacle huddle and game plan as Jerich comes in. Bell rings and it’s all official. The two teams are standing in separate rings. They charge to meet in the middle.

Jericho and Spears climb the cage and Chris chokes Spears in the truss of the cage. He then begins brawling with Wardlow as we head to break.

When we get back, the ring is torn up. Sammy nails a spike piledriver on FTR, Jericho hits a Codebreaker and Spears is in a tree of woe. Sammy goes coast to coast for a Van Terminator. MJF hits Jericho with a torn off turnbuckle clamp. Santana pulls out a fork akin to Abdullah The Butcher who then gouges a bloody MJF with it. Inner Circle is in control. Jericho slugs Max with a right hand. Santana wipes MJF’s own blood on him. Wardlow gets up and fights. He pancakes Sammy and double leg slams Hager. Santana and Ortiz take him out. Sammy levels him with a chair and Hager lariats him down.

Tully Blanchard attacks the referee outside and opens the door of the cage. MJF comes out and climbs the cage. Jericho chases him and climbs the cage as well. Jericho locks MJF in the Walls of Jericho, MJF hits the low blow on Jericho and locks him up in the Fujiwara armbar. MJF hits Jericho with the Dynamite ring and Jericho is busted open. MJF threatens The Inner Circle to throw Jericho off the top of the cage and The Inner Circle surrenders.

Winner: The Pinnacle

After the match, MJF throws Jericho off the top of the cage as the medics check on Jericho. MJF poses at the top of the cage as the show ends.

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