Meet Alex, the seasoned wrestling aficionado and Lead Writer at WrestleBuddy. With three decades of fandom under his belt, Alex brings a wealth of experience and passion to the table. As a devoted follower of The Undertaker and CM Punk, his love for the sport runs deep. However, be warned – Alex isn't afraid to offer raw and unfiltered opinions that some may find harsh. In a world where reality can be hard to digest, Alex isn't afraid to tackle the tough truths of the wrestling industry head-on.
Kenny Omega & Adam ‘Hangman’ Page Vs. Jurassic Express
Both teams goes back and forth throughout the match. Omega with a v-trigger, two snap dragon suplexes on Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy gets in there, sends Omega out to the floor. Jungle Boy with a suicide dive that partially hits Omega and he also receives a snap dragon suplex. Back in the ring, missile dropkick on Luchasaurus. Omega with a suplex, cover, two. Page tags in, roaring forearm on Luchsaurus. Luchasaurus with a roundhouse kick on Omega.
Luchasaurus sent out of the ring. JB is powerbombed out to the floor on his partner, then Omega hits a big flip over the top rope on both guys. He sends JB right back into the ring. Page with a powerbomb followed up with the Last Call on Jungle Boy for the victory.
Meet Alex, the seasoned wrestling aficionado and Lead Writer at WrestleBuddy. With three decades of fandom under his belt, Alex brings a wealth of experience and passion to the table. As a devoted follower of The Undertaker and CM Punk, his love for the sport runs deep. However, be warned – Alex isn’t afraid to offer raw and unfiltered opinions that some may find harsh. In a world where reality can be hard to digest, Alex isn’t afraid to tackle the tough truths of the wrestling industry head-on.