AEW Full Gear 2021 Results (Nov. 13th, 2021) – New WORLD Champion!!

Photo Credit: AEW
Lucha Bros. (c) Vs. FTR w/Tully Blanchard – AEW World Tag Team Championships
Dax and Penta start off. “CM” to the face of Dax and the two strike one another back and forth. Dax rolls up for a two count. Another one too. Penta does his own cradle but Cash gets a boot on him. That prompts Rey to step in.
Both become the legal men and they go back and forth with strikes. Fenix tags in Penta, but gives Cash a springboard armdrag. They go to kick the teeth out of FTR but they bail. Penta leaps but FTR slams him into the barricade. Rey does the same and the duo tosses him into the guardrail with a Bad Guy fallaway slam.
Back in the ring, LB’s keep control with chemistry double teams. They get submissions on FTR and Rick Knox prompts them both to break the holds. FTR soon almost gets the W with the distraction. While Knox’s back is turned, Cash ties Penta’s mask to the ropes. Dax stomps away as Knox unties him. Catapult to the bottom rope.
Dax continues to isolate Penta. Cash goes to knock Rey off the apron, but gets nailed. The tag is made to Rey, but Knox didn’t see it due to Cash. Penta flips Cash and DDTs Dax. Rey does some crazy offense against FTR and hits a double cutter as a flourish. He covers Dax for a two count. Rey walks the rope to punt kick Dax. He covers for a two count.
Dax pushes Rey off of a pin attempt and Cash smacks him with a AAA Tag belt. Dax hits a brainbuster and covers: 1-2-no!
FTR nail Rey with an assisted backdrop. Cash bridges and gets another two count. Rey gets tagged mid-run and gets set up for a Big Rig, but Rey escapes. In comes Penta. He sets Dax up but Tully grabs his leg. Dax hits Penta with asolid right hand. He does an Eddie Guerrero sashe, and goes for the Three Amigos. Penta stops him at two and does the Three Amigos of his own. Rey hits him with a frog splash: 1-2-no! “Eddie” chants echo the Target Center.
LBs goes for the Fear Factor, but Cash trips Rey up. They hit a Stump Piledriver, but Rey somehow kicks out. Big Rig attempt, but Penta saves and Rey small packages for a two count.Tag to Penta. “This is awesome” chants. An impressive Fear Factor and there’s a double pin attempt. Knox waits for the legal men for the pin and counts, but it’s only good for two. FTR put on the Super Ranas mask to confuse matters. Cash, the illegal masked man, tries to pin Rey with his feet on the ropes, but Knox catches the infraction. Cash gets hit with the LB piledriver and Cash, still the legal man, gets counted down for three.
Winner: Lucha Bros.
Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars.