AEW Full Gear 2021 Results (Nov. 13th, 2021) – New WORLD Champion!!

Photo Credit: AEW
SuperKliq Vs. Jurassic Express & Christian Cage – Falls Count Anywhere Match
JX take out the Bucks. Cage goes for the Killswitch on Cole, but doesn’t happen. Cole eats a dropkick from JB after a sequence. The Bucks take out JB, but Luchasaurus takes out The Bucks. Cole takes out Luchasaurus with the chair. JB grabs the chair against Cole and catches him with it. He sets the chair up. Young Bucks stop JB from any offense. Table is set up on the outside. JB takes down the Young Bucks and sits down. Cole kicks him.
Christian hits Cole with a reverse DDT on the chair. Two count. Luchasuarus double Germans THe Bucks. Cole hits Luchasaurus with a trash can before JB Germans Cole. Tope suicida 2x for JB onto Cole. JB goes for an over the top senton, but The Bucks catch him with a trash can. Luchasaurus covers one of the Bucks for a two count on the floor.
Table is set up on the outside. JB takes down the Young Bucks and sits down. Cole kicks him. Christian hits Cole with a reverse DDT on the chair. Two count. Luchasuarus double Germans THe Bucks. Cole hits Luchasaurus with a trash can before JB Germans Cole. Tope suicida 2x for JB onto Cole. JB goes for an over the top senton, but The Bucks catch him with a trash can. Luchasaurus covers one of the Bucks for a two count on the floor.
JX get Cole up for a snap dragon kick onto the steel chair. They pull out a table. Christian slides some chairs into the ring. Adam Cole is busted opened, bay bay. Cage goes to Conchairto Cole, but Cage wants JB to do it. JB hesitates and it allows the Bucks to save Cole. Luchasaurus pursues Cole in the ring with strikes. Luchasaurus goes for an Awesome Bomb through the table to the outside, but it doesn’t happen. Instead Matt Jackson kicks him onto that very table. Matt throws JB into the corner, but JB uses that momentum to rana Cole through the adjacent table on the entryway.
Matt elbow drops Luchasaurus through the other table. Christian Cage fights with Brandon Cutler and Nick Jackson. Huge cross body by Cage to Cutler and Nick on top of the corridor. They fight back down the steps. Nick flings Christian into the steel steps. Adam Cole wheelbarrows JB’s back into the apron. Cole tosses in a bag of thumbtacks. “E-C-Dub” chants. They shove the tacks in JB’s mouth as they do their “Elite” kiss and superkicks. Christian just makes the save. Nick pulls out a ladder. The ladder is leaned on the second turnbuckle and Christian gets slammed against it.
Christian fights them all off and tornado DDTs Nick onto the ladder. Cage favors his back. Luchasaurus has a flurry of corner attacks. Adam goes for a Panama Sunrise, but Lucha catches and slams him on the ladder. He chokeslams Nick on the ladder. Standing moonsault by Luchasaurus and pin attempt to Nick. Matt saves him with a hard shot to courtesy of the trash can. Luchasaurus sits right up. Matt soon bails after a kick out at one. He bails but JB catches him with a Snare Trap on the stage, but a save is just made.
Some near finishes occur on the stage with all competitors. Lots of impending spots here. Adam Cole uses the truss to Panama Sunrise JB. A save is made. Superkick to Luchasaurus. Superkick to Cage. Adam Cole hands the Bucks two thumbtack laden knee pads. They hit a BTE Trigger on Luchasaurus with it. JB just saves him. Cage spears a man and Luchasaurus chokeslams Adam Cole off the stage. Luchasaurus hits a shooting star press from off the stage onto the Super Kliq. “Holy shit” chants.
Cage goes to Conchairto Matt Jackson, but JB wants to do it. Cage hands him the chair and he nails it. 1-2-3.
Winner: Jurassic Express & Christian Cage
Ratings: 5 out of 5 stars.