AEW Full Gear 2021 Results (Nov. 13th, 2021) – New WORLD Champion!!

Photo Credit: AEW
Andrade El Idolo & Malakai Black Vs. Cody Rhodes & PAC
PAC and Andrade start it off. Cody tags himself in to boos. PAC fires back with a tag of his own. Andrade strikes him. Punches are exchangedd between the two opponents. Savate kick by PAC leads to an armdrag and headlock takedown to keep Andrade down briefly. He backs PAC up into his corner and Malakai tags himself in. Malakai backs PAC into the opposite corner and Cody tags himself in to more boos.
Cody and Andrade go at it. They fight on the apron. Jose grabs the boot of Cody. Andrade gets Cody back in the ring. Cody topes onto Jose and hits a powerslam on Andrade. Aggressive blind tag from PAC. Malakai tags in. Lots of animosity between partners here with blind tags.
Cody hits a Cody cutter on Black. He goes for a Cross Rhodes, but Malakai counters. Tag from PAC and Black hits a spinning heel kick to take Cody out. PAC hits an Asai moonsault. Jose gets the shit kicked out of him by Arn Anderson as they fight up the entryway. Andrade has control of PAC in the ring. They battle for awhile. Shots are traded and both men knock each other down.
Doc Sampson checks on Cody on the outside and PAC gets spikesd on the apron. Big thrust kick from PAC to Black. Cody gets back on the apron to boos. Cody gets the tag and hits the “flip flop and fly” to Andrade. Disaster Kick to Black and Cody crotches Andrade on the top rope. Osaka Cutter to Andrade from the top. Two count.
Cody gets a figure four on Andrade. PAC tags himself inand hits a 450 splash on the prone Andrade. 1-2-Andrade gets his hand on the ropes.
Chaos occurs as Malakai and Cody fight over the guardrail. It leaves it to Andrade and PAC. Poison rana to Andrade and then Black Arrow. 1-2-3.
Winners: PAC & Cody Rhodes
Post-match, FTR attack Cody and PAC.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.