AEW Full Gear 2021 Results (Nov. 13th, 2021) – New WORLD Champion!!

Photo Credit: AEW
America Top Team vs. Inner Circle – Minneapolis Street Fight
Scorpio Sky and Sammy Guevara begin festivities. Sammy hits a crisp dropkick and arm drag to a good pop. Santana and Ortiz nail a flurry of ground attacks to Sky. Two count. Double team suplex too. Hager and Junior Dos Santos get mixed up and Jericho gets the tag. He and JDS go at it. Powerslam by JDS. He’s pumped. Big suplex by JDS. Standing moonsault. Two ocunt. Lambert wants tagged in and JDS obliges. He slaps Jericho. Jericho grabs Lambert and an all-out brawl ensues. Hager dives on top over everyone on the outside. Lambert has a lead pipe. All the weaponry has Minnesota ties basically. Jericho has a Prince sign he’s about to hit Lambert with, but Ethan Page stops it. “Purple Rain” chants.
The fight in the ring continues with offensive attacks by Santana and Ortiz to the MOTY. They have a trash can on Ethan Page and hit him with hockey sticks. Ortiz has Sky in a Gory Special while Santana has a Boston Crab. They lock it together and Sammy throws a football at the chest of the prone Sky. Soon enough Andrei and Page attack Ortiz. Hager saves him but is ganged up on by the MOTY. Jericho hits them with a water ski. Lambert pulls Jericho out of the ring and runs away. Sammy hits a srpingboard cutter to Sky and soon hits a senton bomb from up top on Sky. Two count. A lot of chaos going on. Lambert continues to flee.
Santana and Ortiz nail a superplex to JDS. A huge ladder is on the outside as he falls off to hit a senton through the table onto Sky. Page hits and Ego’s Edge on Ortiz but then gets Iron Claw’ed by Baron Von Raschke at ringside!
Lambert taunts in the ring and turns around to see Jericho. Chris strikes him down and goes for the Lionsault. JDS misses a cue and Jericho calls for him to strike him. JDS does to complete the spot. Lambert covers but Jericho kicks out. Jericho takes a kendo to Lambert and JDS. He staples Lambert in the twig and berries. “Eddie” chants as Jericho climbs up top. Frog splash to Lambert. 1-2-3.
Winner: Inner Circle
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.