AEW Full Gear 2021 Results (Nov. 13th, 2021) – New WORLD Champion!!

Photo Credit: AEW
Kenny Omega (c) Vs. Hangman Page – AEW World Championship
Hangman gets a cinematic entrance that features him on horseback on the streets of Minneapolis outside the Target Center. Introductions are made as we hear “Cowboy Shit” chants. They stand nose-to-nose and back up. Lock up. Rest. Lock up again. Reset. Lock up three leads to trading chops. Big shoulde tackle by Page sends Kenny reeling. Chops in the corner to Kenny. Kenny tries to fight back by Hangman has control and lariats him in the opposite corner. Don grabs the boot of Hangman and Omega takes advantage.
Hangman finds a window by knocking Kenny to the outside. Omega drives Kenny into the apron and barricade repeatedly. Hangman suplexes Kenny on the floor after Omega gloats a bit. “Let’s Go Hangman” chants. Big leaping lariat from Hangman, but it barely gets a one count.
Kenny thumbs Hangman in the eye, but Hangman fights back briefly only to take a big collision in the corner. Kenny dumps him out and Callis stomps a mad mudhole into Page as Omega distracts the ref. Omega slams Hangman onto the steel steps and grinds his face off of it. He puts Hangman back in the ring. Kenny feigns for a Buckshot Lariat, but walks back in the ring and Hangman makes him pay with heavy shots. Kenny nails a hurricanrana. Omega Terminator dives onto Page.
Hangman gets back in it with a well-timed counter. Kenny runs into a high boot from Hangman. Hangman hits a Scott Hall fallaway slam. He hits an elbow suicida to Kenny and then his patented leaping moonsault to the outside. “Cowboy shit” chants.
Back in the ring, brainbuster by Page. Two count. Hangman drives Kenny into the corner and Page props him up top. Hangman and Kenny battle it up top. Palm strikes by Kenny allows him to hit a springboard Liger bomb back in the ring. Crowd claps Hangman back up but he gets a snap dragon suplex for his troubles. Kenny goes for another one and hits it after Hangman gives a desperation attempt to stop it. He then goes to deliver one on the the apron to Hangman and hits its. He puts Hangman immediately back in the ring. Kenny showboats and hits a V-Trigger. OWA attempt, but Page victory rolls for a two count. Release German suplex by Page. Tiger Driver ’98 by Kenny for a two count. Omega bites Page, but Hangman crotches him on the turnbuckle. He then bites Kenny’s forehead. Super fallaway flip slam. 1-2-no….
Kenny is on the outside leaning against a table. Hangman ascends, removes a camera on top of a ring post and leaps off, sending Kenny crashing through that table. He gets Kenny back in the ring and sizes up for a Buckshot Lariat. Kenny, however, collapses. Hangman goes for a V-Trigger, but hits a rolling elbow strike and pop-up powerbomb. He goes for a Buckshot, but Kenny pulls Paul Turner in his way and Hangman accidentally hits him instead. Callis goes to hit Hangman with the title but Hangman slugs him. Kenny tries to swing the belt at Hangman. Hangman ducks and hits a Deadeye. Hangman covers. Aubrey Edwards comes out: 1-2-kickout!
Hangman briefly contemplates using the belt but doesn’t. Shots are traded. Kenny lays them in. Page gives Kenny the finger and Omega hits some standing knee strikes. He catches the V-Trigger, and fires back. Kenny hits a V-Trigger. Hangman hits a spinning elbow. Rapid kicks by Kenny. Page calls Kenny a “motherfucker” and lariats Omega inside out. “A-E-Dub” chants. Oout comes the Young Bucks to boos. Kenny headbutts Page. Backdrop diver to Page. Page hits a Backdrop driver to Kenny. Hangman goes for a Buckshot and gets hit with V-Trigger. Kenny goes for the OWA, but Hangman reverses and hits a OWA of his own. 1-2-no! Hangman hits a Buckshot to the back of Kenny. Nick and Matt are thinking about this moment heavily as Matt nods to Hangman who hits a Buckshot Lariat from the front and gets the 1-2-3.
Winner & NEW AEW World Champion: Hangman Page
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars