AEW Revolution 2022 Results (Mar 06, 2022) – Two HUGE Debuts


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AEW Revolution 2022 Full Results (Mar 06, 2022) – Keep refreshing the page for detailed updated results – LIVE IN


Leyla Hirsch Vs. Kris Statlander

Both women goes back and forth and Kris takes Leyla under control with a stiff kick to her head followed with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Both women fight at the apron and Leyla hits the hurricanranna on Kris off the apron followed with a back suplex for a two count. Kris hits the Electric Chair Drop off the top rope on Leyla followed with a Michinoku Driver for two count. Leyla fights back and hits the moonsault for the victory.

Winner: Leyla Hirsch

Ratings: 2 out of 5 Stars.

Don Callis came out to interrupt Tony Schivone and cuts a promo about Adam Cole being a good transitional champion for Kenny Omega.

HOOK Vs. QT Marshall

QT tried cheap tactics to fight with Hook, but Hook kept him under control with suplex after suplex. QT mocks DDP and Hook locks him in Tazmission for the victory.

Winner: HOOK

Ratings: 2 out of 5 stars.

House of Black Vs. Death Triangle & Erick Redbeard

Malakai Black takes the fight to PAC. Buddy Matthews tags in, and Penta does, too. Penta sends him down with a headscissors. The two men trade counters, and their exchange is a stalemate. Brody King tags in and faces off with Redbeard. The giant trucks over all three members of the House of Black at ringside. King squashes Penta with a cannonball. Black and his stablemates isolate Penta, but PAC makes the hot tag. He blasts Matthews with some strikes, but Malakai distracts him and helps Matthews take control. House of Black gangs up on PAC for a few minutes.

Penta eventually tags in and clears house. He drops and dishes out slingblades to Black and King. A Destroyer on Matthews earns him a two count. Redbeard gets the tag and gains momentum by clotheslining Matthews out of the ring. Bodies start flying as the match breaks down, with Matthes and PAC flying off the top rope. PAC takes Black down with a poison-rana.

King floors PAC with a discus lariat. Redbeard and King trade blows, and the latter slams the giant. King dives onto Redbeard outside of the ring. The match breaks down into chaos again, and Black drills Penta with a knee strike. Penta hits a nasty Fear Factor on the apron, but Black wasn’t the legal man. Matthews sneaks in from behind and drops Penta with a curb stomp.

Redbeard overpowers Matthews,  but Black drills him with a kick to the face. The big man doesn’t go down, but Black mists him in the eyes. A rising knee strike and a rising piledriver from King earn the dark trio the win.

winner: House of Black

Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars.


Eddie Kingston Vs. Chris Jericho

Eddie walked out with purpose.  Hits Jericho with a German Suplex and he lands on his head. Eddie gives him no time to catch his breath and continues the offense with a neck breaker and a 2 count pin. Eddie chops Chris in the corner a few times before Jericho fights back. Crowd chants “Eddie” as Chris gets violent with open palm strikes to Kingston’s head.

Eddie hits an enziguri before they start exchanging chops. Eddie hits machine gun chops, Jericho eye poke followed by a Kingston eye poke. Jericho fights back with lariats in the corner but Eddie bites his forehead. Jericho gains control again and hits top rope hurricanrana for a 2 count. Chris takes off turnbuckle pad but Eddie hits a Suplex on a Jericho to buy himself some time. Jericho hits a Suplex from the apron to the floor and both men are down. Jericho ducks a spinning back fist and hits 2 German suplexes. Goes for a third and drops Eddie on his head followed by a lionsault for a 2 count.

Jericho goes for Walls of Jericho and turns into it to get it locked in, Eddie fights it for a minute before getting to the rope for the break. Jericho gets into a small debate with Aubrey which allows Eddie to hit 2 back to back suplexes and a spinning back fist for a loooooong 2 count. Eddie hesitates and for that he gets a code breaker as he tried to pick Chris up that leads to a 2 count. 

Jericho starts slapping him and taunting Eddie before hitting another German Suplex and code breaker. Chris goes for the judas effect and hits the exposed turnbuckle which allows Eddie to hit 2 spinning back fists and locks Jericho in with a submission that Jericho has to tap.

Winner: Eddie Kingston

Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

ReDRagon Vs. Jurassic Express (c) Vs. Young Bucks – AEW World Tag Team Championships

O’Reilly and Jungle Boy start the bout. Jungle Boy gains an advantage, but a distraction from Fish helps O’Reilly take control. Fish and O’Reilly double-team Jungle Boy. The Bucks tag in and follow suit. Jungle Boy rallies with an arm drag and a dropkick to Nick Jackson.

O’Reilly goes for a pin on Jungle Boy, prompting an argument with Matt Jackson. Tensions continue to rise between reDRagon and the Bucks. Fish stops Jungle Boy from tagging Luchasaurus. Matt and Nick double-team Jungle Boy. O’Reilly argues with Matt and accidentally kicks him when Jungle Boy ducks. Luchasaurus tags in and takes control. The Bucks briefly ground the dinosaur, but he fires back with a double chokeslam.

Jurassic Express hits a Doomsday Device for a two count. Matt Jackson accidentally kicks Fish when Jungle Boy ducks. O’Reilly tags in and squares off with Matt. Their partners enter the ring and trade blows. Everyone is down after a double clothesline. O’Reilly locks in a knee-bar, but Matt breaks it up.  O’Reilly breaks up the pin after a BTE Trigger. In the end, Jungle Boy pins Matt Jackson for the win.

Winner: Jurassic Express

Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.

Keith Lee Vs. Wardlow Vs. Christian Cage Vs. Powerhouse Hobbs Vs. Ricky Starks Vs. Orange Cassidy – Face of the Revolution Ladder match

Team Taz jumps on Lee and Wardlow takes out Christian.  Wardlow, Lee and Hobbs all face off before Cassidy comes in to do his kicks. Starks jumps OC and the 3 big men get taken out by the Christian and a ladder. Starks takes the ladder and tries to grab the ring but Cassidy stops him.  Christian clears ring and tries to climb. Hobbs stops him and then climbs by Christian follows him and his a reverse ddt to Hobbs off the ladder. Lee enters the ring and starts taking on Starks and Christian, takes them out with a crossbody.

Keith catches Cassidy going for a hurricanrana and uses Cassidy’s body to attack other members.  Keith climbs ladder and Wardlow tells him to come down. They face off until Hobbs takes them out with a ladder. Hobbs and Starks both climb and Cassidy pushes them off. OC puts ladder on head and starts spinning in circles, hitting everyone.  Warldow and Lee pick the ladder up and Cassidy flips up and almost grabs the brass ring. 

All hell breaks loose and it comes down to Lee in the corner with a ladder and Hobbs throwing Cassidy at the ladder on Lee. Hobbs hits a vertical Suplex on Cassidy off ladder. Christian spears Hobbs on ladder and then sets up the ladder into Starks stops it by pulling the ladder away. He then leaps through the middle of the ladder and spears Christian before climbing up. Wardlow stops him and then climbs the ladder. Starks and Cassidy jump on Wardlows back as he climbs one side.  Hobbs climbs the other as Keith Lee grabs another and now everyone is climbing at the same time.

Comes down to Hobbs and Wardlow at the top alone.  They fight and both fall down off ladders. Wardlow, Hobbs and Lee are first up and they face off again with OC laying down in the middle.  Keith Lee throws him out of the ring. Hobbs flies out of ring taking out Lee and Wardlow throws Lee out.  Hobbs and Wardlow double team Lee on the ramp. Wardlow and Hobbs break a ladder in half and Hobbs uses it on Wardlow and Lee. Keith Lee comes back but before he can do anything Wardlow throws both men off stage, through the tables.

Christian is setting up the ladder back in the ring but Starks kicks him with a lowblow before trying to climb up.  Wardlow climbs in but Danhausen comes in and curses Starks before pulling him off the ladder and leaving.  Christian climbs again but Starks stops him. Wardlow powerbombs Christian and then grabs Starks and powebombs him off one ladder and onto another before grabbing the brass ring.

Winner: Wardlow

Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Tony Schivone makes an announcement for a new contract signing and another new Ex WWE guys. Yes!! It’s Swerve Strickland. He came out and sign the contract and now he is also ALL ELITE.

Jade Cargill (c) Vs. Tay Conti – TBS Championship

They start with a face off and Jade kisses Tay(wtf?).  Jade goes for Jaded but Tay reverses it into an armbar.  Jade rolls her over and gains control with a pump kick. Jade mocks Tay with karate poses and that fires up Tay.  She gains control and hits 3 consecutive pump kicks in the corner followed by a tornado ddt and a 2 count. Jade rolls out of the ring and Tay does a flip off the top rope onto Jade’s manager and Cargill hits a pump kick on Anna Jay before attacking Tay but Conti fights back with a kick and then the 2 exchange roll ups that leads to Jade getting hit with a chair by Anna Jay but Tay only gets a 2 count.

Tay picks her up and hits the cradle ddt for another 2 count.  Tay tries to do the TayKO but Jade reverses it into Eye of the Storm for a 2 count. Cargill goes to the top rope and hits a frog splash for 2. Tay goes to the outside and uses Anna Jay as a shield which allows her to hit a pump kick on Jade and then a piledriver in the ring for another 2 count. Tay goes up top but Jade pushes her down, grabs her and hits Jaded for the 3 count.

Winner: Jade Cargill

Ratings: 2.5 out of 5 stars.

CM Punk Vs. MJF – Dog Collar Match

MJF whips Punk with the chain, but Punk chokes him with it. “The Second City Saint” wraps the chain around the turnbuckle and traps MJF. The veteran stomps MJF’s hand and punches him. “The Salt of the Earth” rallies and whips Punk with the chain. Punk is already busted open, as MJF grinds the chain against his face.

MJF grabs a microphone and tells Punk to tell the fans he wants to quit, “just like you quit on me.” Punk instead tells him to “eat s—.” Punk, his face covered in blood, headbutts MJF between the legs. He blasts MJF with the chain, but the Pinnacle leader gouges his wound and locks in a chain-assisted sleeper hold.

Punk targets MJF’s hand several times, and it becomes a clear weakness. MJF counters the GTS and locks in his signature arm-bar. Punk locks in the Anaconda Vice, but MJF turns it into a pin attempt to escape. “The Second City Saint” wraps a chain around his knee and blasts MJF with a Shining Wizard. MJF is bleeding, and Punk wraps the chain around his eyes.

Punk keeps hitting MJF and busts him wide open. MJF dodges a knee strike, so Punk crashes knee-first into the steel steps. With an injured leg, he’s unable to hit the GTS. Punk rocks MJF with a Tombstone onto the apron.

MJF gets a bag of tacks. He dumps them out and goes for Punk’s own running bulldog. Punk bites his way out and blasts MJF with a kick to the head. MJF still manages to superplex Punk onto the tacks. “The Salt of the Earth” screams for Wardlow comes to the stage, but he has seemingly forgotten the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Punk hits the GTS and looks at Wardlow, who pulls out the ring after all. He leaves it for Punk and walks away. Punk blasts MJF with the ring and pins him for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Dr. Britt Baker DMD (c) Vs. Thunder Rosa – AEW Women’s Championship

Britt enters with a nice new title. Match starts with a tie up where Rosa controls the pace. Britt reverses it into a double underhook Suplex before putting Rosa in thy corner and taking control of her own with an arm drag. Rosa gets wrist control and hits a few shoulder blocks but Britt gets a forearm to break the hold.  Thunder fights back and hits a back breaker followed by some running knees into the corner.  She misses the third and Britt hits a neck breaker.

Britt hits a few rising knee strikes but misses a short arm clothesline. Thunder tries to rally in the corner but Britt moves and stomps Rosa’s back. Britt goes to the outside and uses the post to stretch Thunder’s shoulder some more.  Rebel and Hayter take some cheap shots before Britt hits a Suplex and a 2 count. Britt fights off Rosa with some head slams but Rosa comes back with a German Suplex. Thunder hits clotheslines, followed by a dropkick to Baker’s back and then her face and a northern lights Suplex for a 2 count. Rosa hits running knees in corner but when she goes for the second, Britt caught her and dropped her on her head for a 2 count.

Some more offense from Britt as Thunder struggles to gain momentum leads to a few more 2 counts for Britt. Baker gets her glove but Rosa dropkicks Britt in the corner. She puts her on the top rope and hits a superplex and then rolls her up into a fireman carry neck breaker and sliding lariat but only gets a 2 count.   Britt reverses ripcord and hits a few neck breakers for a 2 count. On their knees, the ladies exchange strikes until Britt reverses one into lockjaw but Rosa rolls her up for a 2 count. Rosa hits a quick slam for 2 before going to the top rope but Baker stops her.

Top rope avalanche air raid crash on Thunder Rosa who kicks out at 2 and 3/4! Back to their knees, trading punches. Thunder hits a tombstone but Rebel distracted the ref so no count. Thunder knocked Rebel down and Britt takes control with hard right. Hayter slides in the belt and Thunder gets curb stomped on the belt but she kicks out at 2 again!  Britt locks in lockjaw but Thunder reverses it into a lockjaw but Britt rolls into a rear naked choke.  Thunder spears Rebel through the ropes to the floor, takes out Hayter but then rolls into the ring to get a curb stomp and Baker gets the 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker DMD.

Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Jon Moxley Vs. Bryan Danielson

Quick faceoff before the two tie up. Mox gets the first takedown by Bryan gets the rope and they stand up. Danielson starts getting technical on the ground until they roll to the outside. Mox comes in the ring and slaps Bryan and the two tie up again. Bryan gains control and slaps Mox. Bryan does some jumping jacks to toy with Mox. They trade chops and Mox does a few jumping jacks himself. Mox then gains control and starts beating down Bryan in the corner.

Bryan tries for a comeback but Mox stops him and then does some yes kicks before Bryan catches one and hits a dragon screw before some yes kicks of his own. Ends with a kick to Mox ribs which leads to a focused offense on Mox ribs with some knees and punches. After a chop, Mox fires himself up and fights back before taking a spinning kick to his ribs. Bryan goes for a diving headbutt but Mox moves and Bryan is out. After a few punches from Mox, Bryan hits a knee to end the comeback.  Bryan then hits his running corner dropkicks. The third one gets reserved into a few suplexes. 

Mox goes for a third but Bryan reverses it and hits a head kick before locking a choke in. Mox escapes and gets some punches in before Bryan starts kicking him in the ribs. Mox throws Bryan and goes for a suicide dive but Bryan slid in the ring to do one of his own but Mox caught him and they start beating each other with strikes and headbutts until they both fall out. Mox is bleeding a lot, Danielson a little. They both get in the ring and start trading blows again into Mox gains control. He goes for paradigm shift but Bryan reverses it into a forearm and both men fall down again.

Mox puts Bryan in corner and goes for top rope paradigm shift but Danielson slips out and hits a top rope back to back suplex for a 2 count. Danielson then starts hitting the elbow drops to Mox shoulder before locking in a dragon sleeper. Mox gets the rope and hold is stopped. Bryan goes for some kicks and arm breakers until Mox reverses it into a choke. Bryan gets out but Mox hits elbow drops to Bryan’s shoulder before locking in an arm bar. Bryan gets out and locks in a Labelle lock until Mox grabs rope again. Bryan then grabs Mox hands and was about to do his head stomps but Mox pulls him down and they start stomping each other before Mox gets control and does his own head stomps. 

He then starts choking Bryan out but Danielson rolls out of it and hits a suplex before hitting the psycho running knee. Mox kicks out at 2!  Bryan starts the head stomps and puts the triangle choke on Mox. Jon starts pulling on Bryan’s beard but Bryan starts hitting right hands and elbows to the top of Mox head.  Mox rolls over while still locked in and gets a surprise 3 count for the win while Bryan kept the hold on.

Winner: Jon Moxley

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.

After the match, both men fights with each other and ref calls for security to pull apart Mox and Bryan. William Regal came down to the ring and slap Mox and Bryan and tell them to shake hands. Mox and Bryan shook hands and left the ring with Regal.

Sting, Darby Allin & Sammy Guevara Vs. AHFOTornado Trio Match

Allin charges the ring and clotheslines Andrade to the outside. The bout quickly breaks down into a brawl. Sting beats up Jose The Assistant, and Allin dives onto him while he has a garbage can around his head. Andrade blasts Allin with a chair. Guevara and Allin suplex him onto the floor. Hardy and Kassidy try to gang up on “The Icon”, but Sting hits them with a trash can.

Andrade slams Allin into the corner. Guevara eats a Twist of Fate. The fight continues outside the ring, and Allin dodges a diving Andrade. Kassidy, with Marq Quen’s help, drops Guevara with the Silly String on the floor. Sting hits Hardy with a chair as they venture into the crowd.

The Butcher and The Blade interfere and attack Sting. Butcher slams Butcher into the barricade. Guevara slams Kassidy off a display through a table below with a Spanish Fly. A.H.F.O. gangs up on Sting, but the legend dives off a balcony onto Andrade through three tables. Back in the ring, Allin hits the Scorpion Death Drop and the Coffin Drop on Hardy for the win.

Winner: Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara & Sting

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Hangman Page (c) Vs. Adam Cole – AEW World Championship

Hangman hits Cole with a dropkick between the ropes. He throws Cole into the barricade and blasts him with a running boot. The challenger dodges a lariat, sending Hangman arm-first into the ring post. Cole slams Page into the ring steps and controls the next few minutes.

Hangman rallies with a boot, but Cole slams him to the mat for a two count. Page counters the Panama Sunrise and gains the upper hand with a fallaway slam. Hangman powerbomb Cole onto the apron and hits his signature diving moonsault to the outside. Cole catches Page with a backstabber, but the champion responds with a powerbomb.

Cole blasts Page with a superkick in mid-air for a two count. The champion hits the Dead Eye for a two count of his own. Cole locks in a crossface, but Page escapes. The challenger slams Page wrist-first onto the apron, but Hangman hits a Tombstone out of nowhere. The two foes trade blows, and Hangman hits a suplex. Cole catches Page with a neckbreaker.

The two men battle on the top rope, and Hangman hits an avalanche falling slam for a two count. reDRagon comes to the ramp and distracts Hangman. Cole capitalizes with a superkick and hits the Panama Sunrise onto the floor. Cole hits Page below the belt and hits the Boom for a near fall.

The challenger drills Hangman with two superkicks, but he fires back with a lariat. Cole dodges the Buckshot Lariat and kicks Hangman again. Page collapses to avoid the Boom. Fish and O’Reilly set up a table at ringside. Hangman counters Cole and slams him through the table with a Deadeye.

The Dark Order comes to ringside and checks on Page. The stable brawls with reDRagon, and the fight travels up the ramp. Page hits the Buckshot, but Cole reaches the ropes. Hangman ties Cole to the ropes and kicks him in the head multiple times. Cole fires back with a kick of his own and escapes. Another superkick floors Cole. Hangman nails the Boom and hits the Buckshot Lariat for the win.

Winner: Hangman Page

Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars.


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