And The DEVIL is…..

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- And The DEVIL is….. - November 2, 2023
Now before I get in too deep, I want to start this off by saying: This is either one of the most absurd ideas ever thought of in the known universe that is professional wrestling or one of the more brilliant ones. There is no in-between and I am completely aware of how crazy it may sound. Either way, it’s just fantasy booking so you shouldn’t take it too seriously. But now that we have gotten that out of the way, without further to do, the man in the devil mask is none other than…
Tony Khan.

So, like I said, it’s a wild theory but before we just throw it all in the trash and lock me away in the looney bin, allow me to plead my case and explain why in all reality it does make at least a little bit of sense.
It’s a stretch but this is the world of professional wrestling where even the stretchiest of stretches can work if executed correctly. With 2024 fast approaching, MJF is still feeding the fans the narrative that he has not re-signed and wants anyone and everyone who will listen to believe that he will be hosting a massive bidding war for his services. He has routinely called out Tony Khan during these moments and refers to Tony as a “mark” in a way that can only be taken as a massive insult to not only Tony himself but the fanbase as well. Is it work? That’s the beauty of it. This is Maxwell Jacob Friedman we’re talking about and with his commitment to living the gimmick and ability to blur the lines better than anyone else in the industry at the moment, we just don’t know. It probably isn’t a work but to say it is a work with absolute confidence is just not possible.
So, how would Tony retalite? With the AEW Championship firmly around Max’s waist and time ticking away, you would think Tony would be willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that title doesn’t leave with MJF in the scenario that sees him NOT re-sign. There is your why. Yes, it’s a very simple explanation but effective at the same time. Banding together a group of talents to not only take down MJF but mentally drain him in the process to teach him a lesson. You don’t cross the boss. And it all comes to a head at World’s End.
Either the AEW World Championship comes to an end when MJF takes the title with him and leaves for the supposed greener pastures or Max’s world comes to an end and he is forced to decide between leaving with his tail tucked between his legs or coming back and fighting for what he thinks is rightfully his, and stick it to the son of a bitch that finally got the better of him.
Who is Tony Working With?
It appears there are four men working with the devil here. Who they all are, I couldn’t tell you but the main man on that list is an even wilder theory than the idea of Tony Khan being the man behind the mask.
CM Punk

Please don’t crucify me, and just hear me out. The narrative “backstage” before CM Punk left was one that saw other talents getting frustrated at the sight of Tony jumping on a table and chanting for Punk upon his return. Phil was his prize signing and he was willing to go to great lengths in making CM Punk stay with AEW work. So much so that he created a whole new television show on Saturday nights for Phil to play on, allegedly. He even sat side by side with CM Punk while he ripped into the locker room without once stepping in to stop him, but I’ll touch on that a bit further down the line.
So with Tony and Punk leading the charge, who could those other three spots belong to? Well, the obvious answer for two of those men is FTR. They would take a bullet for Punk and to think of a faction that consisted of Punk and not them is just not something I can begin to wrap my head around. Which leaves one spot left and I just don’t know. Ideally, we throw a woman in there to get them that spotlight but without an idea on who would even begin to make sense, I’ll leave that one open. For now.
Now, if you’re wondering where this crazy, fantasy booking even came from, allow me to break down a few of the things rattling around inside my head that helped take this idea that started as a joke into one with some very small baby legs. You know, like Deadpool.
The Media Scrum

This is one of the most infamous moments in recent wrestling history and by far the most talked about event in AEW’s short history. It also happens to be the night that devil mask made its debut when MJF returned after blackmailing Tony into paying him more money. MOTIVE! But as I stated earlier, Tony sat up there on stage with Punk as he dropped a nuclear bomb on the company and killed all the momentum they had been building. The longer CM Punk went, the crazier it seemed that Tony Khan just sat there and let it happen. He’s the boss. He could have killed the whole thing at any moment… and he didn’t. I’m not saying that was a part of this work but AEW loves to use reality and callbacks when telling certain stories and what better real-life event to create a storyline from than that one?
August 16th Dynamite
Tony Khan appeared on this episode of Dynamite. It was a very short yet bizarre spot in which Tony appeared and it just so happened to involve MJF. Whereas I did find the segment entertaining, it never really seemed to make much sense as to why it happened and I had honestly forgotten it was a thing as well until this whole idea started brewing in my head. A hint. AEW has shown in the past that they also love to drop very minor hints that lead towards something. The most obvious one being, CM Punk’s debut. FULL CIRCLE! I believe this would be the first time we actually saw Tony Khan on network television using his authority in an aggressive manner which would also play into the theory that he’s grown tired of Max and is not taking his shit anymore, but that’s one of those stretchy stretches I was referring to in the beginning.
Tony Khan
When it comes to gaining attention, at least from the online community, I don’t think there is a more polarizing figure right now than Tony Khan himself. His fanbase will defend him to no end and his haters will jump at any chance to ridicule him. Even the most neutral of fans can’t help but join in on the fun/hell, however, you perceive it, when Tony decides to put himself out there. His name will dominate the trending list for days, as we just recently saw during the famous Tuesday Night War. And I believe the saying is, that no publicity is bad publicity. Maybe he has finally reached the moment in time where he is ready to thrust himself out there for the (hopeful)betterment of the product. Get people talking and invested in what he’s about to do. I, for one, would be fully invested and I can guarantee you that I wouldn’t be the only one.
So there you have it. If you took the whole ride with me, I thank you. Whether you agree with me or think I’m the biggest fool on the planet, I appreciate you taking the time to read my crazy theory. Let me know what you think. Good or bad, I’m all ears. I look forward to seeing how this one goes and who knows, maybe I’ll continue coming up with these crazy fantasy books in the future. But until next time… BYE BYE, BAY BAY!