Are IMPACT quietly building the tag team divisions?

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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4. A Year In Making?

Over the past couple of months since Violent By Design lost the Tag Team Titles to The Good Brothers
at Slammiversary, we’ve seen Rhino get pushed into the darkness to be cleansed again. This is leading to
one of two things, either a brand new version of Rhino emerging (giving he has looked pretty much the
same forever it would be interesting) or a departure from VBD for Rhino.
If Rhino does depart from VBD it would be a great shame as that group is pretty much the perfect unit,
however there would be only one reason why this would happen and it’s very likely that we are nearing
the return for Heath. We have not seen Heath since just after Bound For Glory last year when he was
sadly injured, interestingly he was storyline taken out by VBD which could lay some nice ground work
going forward with them injuring Heath and kicking Rhino out (so long as it doesn’t lead to the end of
If we are getting a healthy Heath back by the time Bound For Glory rolls round though that can only be a good thing (for him too) and assuming this is why Impact may break Rhino away from VBD, it will be great for the tag team division having another team around. Even if you’re not familiar with they’re work in WWE, they both have enough in them to win you over in and out of the ring.