Are IMPACT quietly building the tag team divisions?

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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3. Most Professional Stable

Since coming into the company Brian Myers has shown that he truly oozes character and personality. His
recent match with Christian Cage at Emergence too shows to anyone who doubts him that he is no slouch
in the ring either. Something extra that has been added that has really been something to boost him to an
extra dimension is a simple connection with Sam Beale.
Sam Beale came into the company in March of this year, he always had something to him however he just
needed some of the creases ironed out and that’s exactly what Myers is doing for him now. The two of
them have perfect chemistry together and even though the duo have only been together for a couple of
months, it feels like they’ve been together for a years given how good they are. Every week they are the
most entertaining part of the show and that really doesn’t look to be stopping any time soon.
For some time (and given how good the duo is) I really expected to see them enter the Tag Team
division, however what we saw on this past weeks Impact could see someone else pair with Beale with
Myers being the manager of the team. This could be very interesting (and entertaining) if it is where it’s
going, it’s been a while since we’ve seen a team of a veteran teaching “rookies” but this team (whether it
be Zicky Dice or Manny Lemons added) could be very entertaining at the top of the card, maybe by BFG?