Ex WWE Star takes a dig at AEW

Photo Credit: WWE
FTR member Dax Harwood and WWE Legend Road Rogg involved a heated argument on social media when Dax takes shot at WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Micheals that Bret Hart is the greatest wrestler of all time not Shawn Micheals. In this argument, Ex WWE Star Rusev now known as Miro takes a dig at AEW about not having a video game.
Rusev likes to play the troll on the internet. He named a list of Fighting Video-Games and asked FTR member and Dax partner Cash Wheeler to choose his pick and the fight is on. Wheeler didn’t understand Rusev’s tweet and asked him by saying @them.
Rusev went on to roast AEW by tagging them @AEWVideogame, which doesn’t even exist.
You can check out the entire conversation below: