Goldberg calls out Roman Reigns, says ‘Roman’s NEXT’

Photo Credit: WWE
Goldberg was set to face Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 36 in a battle of spears. Unfortunately, this dream match didn’t happened as Reigns walks out and took a hiatus from the company just weeks before Wrestlemania 36 due to pandemic. Now, Goldberg calls out Reigns & says he’s coming for him.
Goldberg appeared on WWE The Bump, where he express his desire to face Reigns as they have unfinished business. He calls out Reigns and said he is coming for him.
“Oh, I would say that that is one of the most mild understatements that I’ve ever heard. He backed out on me at WrestleMania, he stole my move, God knows how long ago, and he continues to perform it at subpar levels. Let’s be perfectly honest, I’m the dude who delivers the Spear and I don’t think that he understands what it’s like until I deliver one to him. So Roman, it’s coming and I’m coming for you. I may be old, I may be grey, but I’m still Goldberg.”
Thanks to Wrestling Inc for the quote
Before the end of the show he said ‘Roman’s next’.
Reigns reacted on Goldberg’s comments and posted a reply on Twitter.
I never wait in line.
I am the attraction and I choose who’s next.
And that’s Kevin Owens.
You can check out the tweet below:
Now it’s quite clear that the dream match is still on. We just need to wait and watch when WWE will book this match, because as of now WWE is planning another dream match for Reigns i.e., Reigns Vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania 37.
What is your opinion for Reigns vs. Goldberg at Wrestlemania, let us know in the comments section below.