IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory 2020 Results

Photo Credit:IMPACT Wrestling
IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory 2020 Results – 24th Oct. 2020
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TJP vs. Chris Bey vs. Trey Miguel vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Willie Mack vs. Rohit Raju (c) – Six-Person X-Division Scramble
Everyone surrounds Rohit. He bails out but gets sent back in the ring. Jordynne and Mack collide into one another. Rohit bails again and it leaves Bey and TJP together in the ring. Some major athleticism shown. Trey climbs up top and missile dropkicks TJP. Trey dropkicks Bey and hits a reverse 619. Kicks from Trey and Bey is the next to bail. Willie Mack and Trey go at it. Big time shoulder block by the big man ends Trey out of the equation. Grace and Mack go back and forth. Shoulder tackle by Grace but Mack kicks out. Mack bodyslams Grace. TJP and Trey back in the ring and he has a double deathlock on Trey and Mack. He then leaves a submission on Bey and Grace. Rohit claps for TJP and then picks his spot to break it up.
Rohit is the lone competitor standing. He yells out “X-Division Champion baby” before downing everybody including a Flatliner on Bey. He begins some offense on Grace. Rohit in control. It gets back to him and Grace until Willie Mack pulls her out and forearms Rohit. He takes out Trey and roundhouse kicks the crown of Chris Bey. Four folks are on the apron as Mack stands middle ring and all take shots at a stumbling Rohit. Standing moonsault by Willie gets two.
Grace dives on top of TJP and Rohit from the outside. Trey gets involved and Mack dives on top, Bey dives on top too.
Back in the ring, Rohit hooks TJP’s tights and gets a two count. A turning crucifix slam for a near fall, but Grace saves the day. Trey and Grace go at it in the corner. She goes for a superplex on Trey, but Bey interferes. So does TJP. Grace is in a tree of woe as Bey and TJP climb on topic. Grace slams them all down still in a tree of woe.
Rohit stomps on her. Cover, but Mack makes the save. Rohit kicks out the leg of Willie, but Mack hits a stunner and then Bey hits a cutter on Mack. Trey dropkicks the back of Bey. Octopus stretch by TJP on Trey but soon turns his attention on Grace and locks her in a leg lock. Trey jumps in and gets a leg lock too for his trouble. Grace saves him. She hits her driver on Trey for a near fall but Rohit breaks it all up. TJP hits a frog splash on Trey. Rohit shoves TJP off and gets the cover and the W.
WINNER and STILL X-Division Champion: Rohit Raju