IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory 2020 Results

Photo Credit:IMPACT Wrestling
EC3 vs. Moose
The two duke it out back and forth. Moose uranages him down as music is played in the background. EC3 hits an exploder suplex.
The minions pound the mat. He knees Moose in the gut. Moose field goal kicks EC3 in the boys. Minions still pounding the mat but Moose yells and they stop. Music does too briefly as Moose takes control. Very mood setting with the music. More shots by Moose. EC3 is down but grinning to himself. He once more is a bloody pulp. Moose brings in a chair and has some questions. Question 1: Why have you been tormenting him? EC3 won’t say anything. Moose goes to beat the shit out of him with the chair but EC3 fights back. Moose charges and punts EC3. He’s got blood all over his white duds. They fight on the outside. EC3 slams Moose’s head against the steps. He asks Moose if he feels that? That’s enlightenment, that’s purpose. He tosses Moose on a leaning guardrail.
EC3 feeds Moose into the ring post several times as he says he’s becoming who he’s supposed to be. Moose has allowed people to oppress him. EC3 says this TNA Title is meant to be held by people who derserved to hold it. He tells Moose to become who he’s supposed to be and then he’ll be worthy of holding it. We cut to brief snips of EC3’s past and Moose spears him. Moose stands up with the title and hits EC3 with it repeatedly asking him if he wants Moose to become a monster. Brief snips of Moose’s past. He he continues to bloody EC3 between some camera cuts. Blood all over Moose as EC3 lays out bloody. He tells EC3 to answer him if this is what he wants. Finally EC3 rises up and screams yes. The minions start chanting “Moose” as EC3 tells him to “control his narrative” and offers himself. Moose thanks him and slugs him with the belt. The minions drag EC3 out of the ring as Moose watches on.