IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory 2020 Results

Photo Credit:IMPACT Wrestling
Eddie Edwards vs. Ken Shamrock (with Sami Callihan)
Shamrock has his fists up as the bell rings. He hits some punches and a knee or two before the two reset. A knee out of nowhere knocks Eddie down. Belly to belly takedown on Eddie. Shamrock rolls on top of Eddie before locking him in a front chancery. He traps the arm of Eddie with the leg and feeds Edwards some punches. Crucifix cradle gets a two count.
Ken locks in a headlock from behind and then has a gulliotine on him. Eddie strengthens himself out of it hand gives Ken some punches. Very much an MMA vibe to this match. Leg lock by Ken but Eddie rolls to the ropes. Punches in the corner by Shamrock until the ref breaks it up with a four count. Eddie spills onto the outside favoring his left leg.
Ken charges in with a big kick to the back on the outside and hits him with several knees that slumps Eddie on the guardrail. Another hard knee into the head of Eddie followed by some jabs on top of him. Ken throws Eddie back onto the canvas. More knees by Shamrock. Eddie paws away at Sami at ringside as Ken is in complete control. Eddie goes for a liver shot but a boot frees him from the corner. Shamrock goes for a belly-to-belly but Eddie tangles himself in the ropes. Eddie does hit a blue thunder bomb and it gives him time to gather himself. Eddie does a ground dragon screw whip on the mat and ground dropkicks Ken out of the ring. Eddie tope dives on top of Sami and Ken.
Eddie headbutts free. He gets up and sizes Ken up in the corner for the Boston Knee Party. He hits it and goes for a single leg crab. Ken is on the verge of tapping and Sami turns out the lights with his phone. Lights come back on and Sami has his baseball bat. Eddie however has his kendo and takes out Sami. Belly-to-belly followed by an ankle lock gets the submission win.
WINNER: Ken Shamrock