IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory 2020 Results

Photo Credit:IMPACT Wrestling
Rich Swann vs. Eric Young (c) – IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship
Official introductions are made. Bell rings and Swann has bulked up a bit. EY goes for the knees but Swann avoids. He tries it again, but the same happens. EY tells Swann that this is on him. Plenty of athleticism. Headscissors followed by two dropkicks on EY. Champ goes for a powder.
EY catches Swann on the outside and goes for a leg wrench, but Swann uses his leg to shove EY into the ring post. Hard chop by Swann and he slams Young on the apron. Another hard chop before rolling him back in the ring. EY bails out. Swann senton dives onto EY off the apron.
Rich has hurt his shoulder and EY gets in the ring to compose himself. Swann slowly gets back in the ring. EY crotches Swann on the ropes and climbs on the turnbuckle. He pancake slaps Swann down on the canvas for a near fall. Repeated cover attempts on EY. EY focuses on the neck of Swann. Ref checks on Swann. EY wrenches the neck further.
Chop in the corner downs Swann. Pace is further slowed down as Eric continues to trash talk. More shots from him, still yelling at Swann to stay down.
Swann finally gets fired up and goes on a quick flurry. Big arm drag from the top. Swann is bleeding from the mouth. Clothesline and standing back kick from Rich. He flips the champ down for a hurricanrana from the top. Big frog splash and EY kicks out.
Rich and EY meet up top, and EY bites the forehead of Rich. He falls off and and EY drops the elbow. A two count for Young but he capitalizes for a crossface. Rope break.
The two methodically trade punches. Roundhouse kick by Swann. He goes for a handspring manuever but EY catches him with a burning hammer neckbreaker for two. EY has a spinning leg lock on Swann. Swann is soon able to grab the bottom rope and Young doesn’t break the hold until five.
EY goes for a piledriver, but Rich rolls into a pin attempt. Crisp kicks from Swann. Air raid splash from Swann. Two count. EY is down and Swann ascends to the top. EY crotches him on the corner and gets him in the tree of woe. Young wrenches Swann’s leg until 5. Swann hits a cutter, then a handspring cutter. He climbs the top rope and hits his Phoenix splash for the 1-2-3 victory!
WINNER and NEW IMPACT World Champion: Rich Swann