IMPACT Wrestling Hard to Kill 2021 Results – Matt Cardona DEBUTS

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
Violent By Design (Eric Young, Joe Doering & Deaner) vs. Rhino, Tommy Dreamer & Cousin Jake
The fight starts between all six men. Joe Doering tosses out Rhino as Jake lariats EY right out. Deaner and Jake. Deaner slaps Jake and Jake levels him. Mounted punches and Deaner goes for a powder. Brawl on the outside. It’s Doering and Rhino in the ring. They too brawl to the outside as EY attacks Jake. Deaner bites Dreamer on the forehead. Knees to Jake via EY. Striker mentions Dreamer always honoring the legends who have passed. Dreamer nails EY with cookie sheet before hitting him with a cutter. Jake stands over Deaner and Rhino brings in a chair to showdown with Doering. So does Dreamer, so does Jake. Doering takes several shots across the back but the big man doesn’t go down. He fights everyone off and bites Dreamer before erasing him with a lariat. Doering chokes Dreamer on the ropes and then chokes him on the second turnbuckle. Violent By Design is in control of our three heroes. Jake fights off Deaner but Deaner strikes back and sends him on top of two steel chairs. Doering and EY attempt to pull up the outside mat, but Jake dives onto them. Dreamer is down and Jake meets Deaner up top. Doering catches Jake and powerbombs him as Deaner gets suplex and Dreamer inadvertantly gets taken out. Doering takes out Rhino and breaks a kendo stick in half.
Doering charges into the ring post on the outside. Dreamer pulls out thumbtacks and soon backdrops EY onto them. Rhino gores Doering in the ring as well. Deaner hits his DDT on Rhino. Jake hits a side effect slam on Deaner and EY makes the save. Piledriver to Cousin Jake and EY gets the 1-2-3.
WINNERS: Violent By Design
Sabin and Swann are backstage as in comes Moose. Swann expresses his displeasure of him partnering up with the two. Moose says he’s played football with people he doesn’t like. He doesn’t appreciate an outsider like Omega coming into IMPACT. He’s gonna do like Sabin said weeks ago. They’re gonna kick Kenny and The Good Brother’s ass all night long. Rich and Sabin are cautiously on board.