IMPACT Wrestling Hard to Kill 2021 Results – Matt Cardona DEBUTS

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
Knockouts Tag Team Championships Finals
Tasha Steelz & Kiera Hogan vs. Havok & Nevaeh
Immediate brawl as Brian Hebner is the official. Tasha and Nevaeh begin matters. She tags in Hvok and the two splash Steelz in the corner. Kiera gets tagged and she receives a double team backbreaker lariat. Kiera gets a neckbreaker and then a two count. Big knee by Havok as she takes it to both foes in different corners. She misses a leg drop on Steelz and the two double team kick Havok. Hogan gets a near fall. Tag to Steelz. Jabs to Havok, then a kick and then a two count pin attempt. Havok fights off both opponents, but she does get isolated and Hogan hits a beautiful baseball slide to her in the corner for a two count.
Tag to Steelz who stays on top of Havok. Steelz gets a sleeper on Havok but Havok backs her intot the corner two times to free herself. Havok catches both of them for a double fallaway slam. The three women are down as Hebner begins his 10 count. Havok tags in Nevaeh for the hot tag. She slams and she boots away. She forces Tasha to DDT Kiera for a near fall. Neveh almost gets double suplex from the top but Havok powerbombs both of them off. Rolling DDT by Nevaeh on Kiera. Nevaeh goes to do the same to Tasha but she fights away causing Nevaeh to tag in Havok. Soon after, Steelz hits a jumping neckbreaker on Havok and Nevaeh has to make the save. Havok gets a stunner from Kiera and then gets kicked out of the ring. Steelz and Hogan work on Nevaeh and Hogan hits her spinning fisherman for the pinfall and the title win!
WINNER and NEW Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Tasha Steelz & Kiera Hogan
Post-match, out come Madison Rayne and Gail Kim to present the belts to the two champions.
Rosemary & Steve are backstage to support Taya Valkyrie. They convince her to have both of them at ringside for her title match tonight against Deonna Purrazzo. As they exit, Romero in detective mode and enters the Knockouts locker room.
Unplanned, out comes Ace Austin with Madman Fulton. He’s insulted that he was on the countdown show and nothing else. He became the Super X Cup Champion last week. He wants to be the number one contender for the X-Division belt and demands Scott D’Amore to come out. He does. He appreciates Ace’s passion. It’s not going to be an X-Division Title match. Instead, he’s fighting a man that’s alwayz ready….