IMPACT Wrestling Hard to Kill 2021 Results – Matt Cardona DEBUTS

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
X-Division Championship
Chris Bey vs. Rohit Raju vs. Manik (c)
Manik crouches low before dropkicking Bey. Avoids chop from Rohitand shoulder tackles him. Bey shoulder tackles Manik and the three meet on their feet. Spinning forearm from Bey onto Manik. He downs Raju and uses his back to dropkick Manik. Two count. He and Rohit trade shots. Jumping flatliner and he gets a kickout. Running corner clothesline. Rohit knocks Bey off the apron. Rohit plants Manik after reversing a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Rohit goes for the mask of Manik but he fights off. Bey dispatches Rohit on the outside but they all get back in the ring. It gets down to Manik and Bey. Manik jackknifes Bey for a two count, but Bey fights off only to get locked into a modified Texas cloverleaf. IN comes Rohit with a standing Fujiwa armbar. Back suplex breaks it all up. Manik dropkicks Rohit off the apron and Bey catches Manik with a jumping elbow drop over the ropes. Bey gets caught by Rohit and gets bombed onto the apron.
In the ring, fireman’s carry by Manik but Rohit goes for the mask. He pulls off the mask and Rohit is infatuated with it. TJP shows his face, but it’s painted. He downs Rohit and leaps off for the Mamba Splash from the top, but Bey catches him with a cutter. Bey then hits both of them with the Art of The Finesse.
Bey hits a jumping back elbow in the corner to Rohit. Bey soon finds himself in a tree of woe, but Manik hits him with a frankensteiner. He covers and gets a two count before Bey breaks it up.
Manik hits a tombstone on Bey. Rohit downs Manik and covers, but only gets a two.
Rohit gets to his feet and so does Manik. The two trade shots. It’s not long before Manik hits a spike DDT on Bey and then hits a thumbalina crucifix bomb for the pin attempt, but Bey kicks out at two. Manik hits a Mamba splash on Bey and Rohit knees Manik, covers Bey, but only gets a two again.
Soon, Rohit shoves, Manik off the top. Bey finds himself in the tree of woe again and Rohit stomps down. He locks a crossface on Manik and even rolls him into the center of the ring. Bey does break it up. Small package to by Rohit. Kickout. Rohit is on flurry, but Manik rolls him up for the pinfall victory.
WINNER and STILL X-Division Champion: Manik
Alisha Edwards is concerned about Eddie tonight. She wants to go out there and Eddie doesn’t want her to be involved. She needs to be home. She needs to go home to her daughter. She can’t risk it. Eddie makes her promise to not go out there. She promises to not go out there. Eddie smooches her.