IMPACT Wrestling Hard to Kill 2021 Results – Matt Cardona DEBUTS

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
Moose, Chris Sabin & Rich Swann vs. Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers
Don Callis introduces Kenny “By God” Omega. Kenny comes out wearing a Halloween-themed Bullet Club tee (wowsers). Anderson and Sabin start things off. Karl corners Chris before backing off. Lock up. Anderson controls the arm. Sabin arm drags free. Another arm drag soon after and the two dudes get to a stand-off. Tag to Gallows, tag to Moose. The two bump one another center ring. Three times. They trade shots.
Kenny and Swann get tagged in. Things unravel as Kenny stays on top of Swann before choking him briefly with the tee. Front chancery by Kenny. tag to Karl. Head scissors by Swann. Tag to Kenny, tag to Moose. Big triple team to Anderson. Moose moonsaults Karl and there’s a two count from Chris. Anderson corners Sabin and tags in Gallows.
Kenny soon becomes the legal man and gives Sabin a backbreaker for a near fall. Tag back to Anderson and Sabin remains isolated. Anderson has him grounded with a headlock. Sabin fights to his feet and it leads to a double lariat. The champs get tagged in. They out-manuever one Another until Swann hurricanranas Omega onto Anderson. Double team DDT to Kenny. Same to Anderoson. They dive onto both men via the apron soon after. Kenny blocks a frog splash from Swann. Anderson becomes legal man and washes his boot with Rich’s face. He slams Swann down. Another slam before tagging Doc. Massive bodyslam to Swann. Tag to Kenny. He picks Swann up for his own slam, but Swann slips free, leg lariat bulldog by Kenny. Cover, two count. Triple splash by Bullet Club on Swann and Sabin has to break it up. Kenny stomps the back of Swann before pulling him to his half of the ring. Swann kicks him and Moose tags in. Shoulder tackle, uranage on Anderson and a heabutt to Doc. Top drop kick from Moose before Kenny get hit with a triple dropkick. Moose covers and gets a near fall on Kenny.
Later on, Kenny hits a V-Trigger on Swann. Moose hits a top rope Spanish Fly on Kenny. Sabin hits a package falcon arrow for an almost win, but it gets broken up. Doc becomes the legal man and shin kicks Sabin before tagging in Karl. Double team, but Swann makes the save. They go for the Magic Killer on Sabin but a tornado DDT frees him. Kenny and Swann both get tagged. Shots traded. Snap suplex by Kenny, followed by piledriver, but Swann gets saved. Kenny goes for a superplex but Swann fights him off. Moose gets him in an electric chair and soon does do it for a Doomsday device. Kenny kicks free. V-Trigger to Swann. Reverse hurricanrana by Swann. Kicks by Swann before his 450 splash. Kenny kick out. Swann goes oup top, misses a flip and gets caught with a Magic Killer. Moose saves him. He slugs it out with Kenny, but Omega hits a V-Trigger. V-Trigger on Swann followed by a One-Winged Angel for the win.
WINNERS: Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers