IMPACT Wrestling Rebellion Full Results (25th April 2021) – Kenny Omega is Double Champion!!

Photo Credit: IMPACT Westling
Deonna Purrazzo (c) w/ Susan & Kimber Lee Vs. Tenille Dashwood w/Kaleb & AK
Deonna goes for a pin, but Tenille kicks out. SHe quickly goes for her Fujiwa, but Tenille goes to the rope. Some pin attempts soon happen for Tenille. Gory Special by Deonna. She kicks away at a downed Dashwood. Clothesline for a two count.
Deonna continues to work the arm and does a sugar hold (paradise lock). Tenille rolls out of the straight jacket. Tenille fights, but a kick to the stomach stops Purrazzo. Tenille rebounds with a clothesline. Both women get to their feet and Dashwood lays in some clotheslines. Tarantula by Tenille. High cross body from up top gets a two count.
Tenille boots Deonna in the face but gets caught in a waist lock which Deonna maintains until hitting two German suplexes. She goes for a third, but Tenille rapid fires elbows herself free. She hits her patented belly to belly before following up with two low corner cross bodies to the corner. Two count. Curb stomp from Tenille. Muta lock to Deonna.
Kimber hops up on the apron, and Kaleb pulls her off. He fireman’s carries Susan, but Kimber sends him into the ring post. Deonna levels Tenille in the ring. She climbs up top. Misses the falling headbutt. Big spotlight kick from Tenille almost gets the win, but Kimber Lee saves Deonna. Tenille soon fights off a Queen’s Gambit and then a Fujiwa armbare. She and Deonna trade shots. It’s not long before Deonna Purrazzo hits her Queen’s Gambit for the pinfall title retain.
Winner: Deonna Purrazzo