IMPACT Wrestling Results (20th May 2021)


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IMPACT Wrestling Results – 20th May 2021

Rohit Raju w/Shera Vs. Jake Something

Bell ring and Something immediately sends Rohit out with a forearm, but a bait and switch by Shera causes Raju to take control. That stops quite abruptly when Raju gets body tackled. The fight goes to the outside, but as Raju distracts the ref in the ringg as he recovers, Shera headbutts Jake. A borderline low kick from Raju gets a pin attempt, but that’s it.

Raju maintains control and chokes Jake on the mat before attempting a suplex, but Jake has too much of a base. A hammer and sickle downs Raju. Running double axes followed by a right-handed haymaker. He then catches Raju with a charging shoulder press in the corner for a two count. Something pulls a page from the late Brodie Lee with a spinning lariat for a near fall.

Raju hits a running knee and then a running boot in the corner. He hits a leaping flatliner for a near fall and locks in a crossface. Jake powers himself up and hammer slugs Raju’s chest. He picks Raju up for a suplex but Shera grabs Something’s foot and holds it as Raju collapses on him. Shera ducks and holds onto the foot of Something for the victory.

Winner: Rohit Raju

After the match, Something is pissed and takes it out on Shera. Raju watches from the stage and the announcers make note of his not helping. Jake nails Shera with a chair before sending him in the ring along with a table. He leans it in the corner and then spears Shera through it. Raju yells at his former opponent.

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