IMPACT Wrestling Results (20th May 2021)
Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
Fin Juice (c) Vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton – IMPACT World Tag Team Championships
Finlay and Ace start it off but Austin swiftly tags in Madman. Finlay tries with Fulton, but gets flung into his corner. Juice tags in. He hammers away at Madman, but Fulton levels him with a shoulder tackle. Fin Juice find that window with some team chemistry but that changes when Madman vaults Finlay into the challenger’s corner. Ace comes in to attack, but tandem offense by FJ downs Ace for a Juice senton. They flapjack Madman and send him outside. We go to break.
Ace and Madman regain control after Madman lariats Juice on the outside and when we get back in the ring, Ace papercuts Juice on the hand. Madman stomps on that very hand. Juice finds the opportunity with a snapmare into a Booker T sidekick. Finlay gets knocked off the apron and Juice can’t make the tag. Madman tries to send Austin into Juice, but Juice evades and tag to Finlay who is on fire. He takes out Madman with a dive to the outside before setting sights on Ace. Modified backbreaker for a two count.
Tandem offense takes out Ace and Juice jabs at Madman. He picks him up on his shoulders, but Fulton frees himself to slam Juice down for an Ace pin attempt. Two count.
Ace hits a Miz corner clothesline before tagging in Madman with a pinning belly-to-back suplex. Two count. Running headbutt by Madman. He puts Juice up in a chokeslam and Austin blockbusters him. Finlay just makes the save in the last moment. Finlay fights back with a stunner in the corner to Fulton before suplerplexing Ace. A backbreaker elbow double team for Ace. Juice goes for a Doomsday Device, but Madman rakes the eyes. Nonetheless, with some help from Finlay Juice hits his finisher on Fulton for the victory.
Winner: Fin Juice
After the match, VBD comes out. Eric Young presents Rhino’s “Call Your Shot” Trophy he won a ways back. They’re cashing in. It’s Doering & Rhino vs. Fin Juice for the IMPACT Tag Titles.
Fin Juice (c) Vs. Violent by Design w/Rhino – IMPACT World Tag Team Championships
The two make quick work of Fin Juice with Doering getting the emphatic pinfall.
Winner & NEW Tag Champions: Violent By Design