John Cena’s father takes shot at Goldberg, calls him ‘TOO OLD TO WRESTLE’

Photo Credit: WWE
John Cena’s father is famous for being vocal about his opinion for the current WWE product and the mismanagement done by WWE on several occasions. Now, John Cena Sr. revealed that he’s not interested to see Goldberg wrestle a match in next year’s Wrestlemania.
During an interview given to Boston Wrestling MWF’s Dan Mirade, he talked about several topics. He also praised the current Roman Reigns character. But, he shows his displeasure about Goldberg getting a match against Roman Reigns next year at Wrestlemania.
“I tell you what, if Goldberg fights Reigns at WrestleMania, the fans shouldn’t buy it. They shouldn’t buy the WrestleMania pay-per-view.”
h/t to SK Wrestling for the quotes.
He also called him too old to wrestle and he says that now he lacks the draw factor.
“‘I did it [return] because I think I’m great, the smoke comes out my nose, and I get big money.’ Please. You know what, there’s another guy that needs to understand, ‘When it’s over, it’s over.’ I wouldn’t buy a ticket to see him. I think he’s a great guy, don’t get me wrong.”
h/t to SK Wrestling for the quotes.
“Nothing against a man who stays healthy, who’s on the ball, I’m talking about Goldberg. He’s well put together. Please, I wouldn’t want to get in a fight with him. Let me tell you right now, I’m not knocking that end of it. I just don’t think the draw factor is there and it’s not going to work. It just isn’t going to work.”
h/t to SK Wrestling for the quotes.
Roman Reigns Vs. Goldberg is the match which is circulating in the internet, but most of the fans are not quite happy about it. Fans were more excited to see Reigns Vs. The Rock, but recently, we noted that Rock will return in 2022 so it’s quite far away.
Do you agree with Cena’s father comments about Goldberg? Let us know in the comments section below.