Matt Hardy takes shot at Hardy Bros.

Photo Credit: WWE
The Hardy Boyz is one of the legendary teams in the history of pro wrestling. Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy made history with the Hardy Boyz all over the world. Now, both of them are separated and works for different companies. Matt Hardy signed with AEW and Jeff Hardy sticks with WWE only.
Now, Jeff Hardy is teaming with Matt Riddle and their team name is Hardy Bros. Now, Matt Hardy takes a shot at Hardy Bros. team and compares it to Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon. He says that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is obsessed with Hardy Boyz.
“Vince McMahon is so obsessed with the greatness and the popularity and the success of the Hardy Boyz that he’s created The Hardy Bros. He’s put together another guy named Matt with my brother, Jeff, to try and recreate the magic that we once had. He’s trying to confuse the marketplace because he so wishes he still had the Hardy Boyz. The Hardy Bros with Jeff and Matt Riddle that’s not gonna work. You would’ve had a better chance with a Fake Razor and Fake Diesel.”
Thanks to Ringside News for transcription
Currently, The Hardy Bros. is feuding with the Hurt Business on RAW. We have to wait and see if they’ll get a tag title shot in the future or it’ll last just for few weeks. But nobody can compare the greatness of The Hardy Boyz that’s for sure.
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