NXT Battleground 2023 Results (May 28, 2023) – NEW Champion Crowned.

Photo Credit: WWE
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NXT North American Championship: (C) Wes Lee vs. Tyler Bate vs. Joe Gacy
Joe Gacy is accompanied by Ava Raine. Gacy targets Lee, each try for pinfall attempts. Bate and Lee double- team Gacy. Tyler battles Wes as Gacy takes both of them out with a dive and follows that up with a slam on Bate. Lee caused a double German- Suplex to the opponents. Bate showcased his power after tossing Gacy and Lee. Bate carried Gacy on his shoulders doing an Airplane swing on the North American Champion. Gacy blocks Bate, he takes Lee and Tyler down. The Schism Leader applied a submission until Strongboi intervened. Gacy locked in the same submission to Bate. Tyler landed a Tyler Driver 97 on Gacy.
All three exchange fists, double cardiac kick from Lee against the challengers. Lee controlled momentum, Wes put a sleeper hold on Gacy. Bate broke up Gacy’s cover. Everybody is using speed. Lee dives and takes out Bate. Uran age by Gacy to Lee. Cardiac kick helps Lee win!!!
Wes Lee retains the NA Title.
Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar vs. Dragon Lee
Dragon Lee was flanked by Nathan Frazer. Dar enjoyed immense success in NXT UK. Noam displayed pride holding The Heritage Cup Trophy. The NXT Universe witnessed mat wrestling begin this bout. Noam manipulated Lee’s arms. Dar provides a methodical technique. Lee tries quickening the pace, Noam wanted to weaken Dragon Lee. Dar avoided Lee’s kicks, a dropkick thru the ropes caught Dar. Ora Mensah appears in Noam’s corner. Lee takes Dar over with a hurracarranna. Noam rolled Lee through to score a pinfall.
Round 3 starts- Dragon Lee resorted to ground and pound, and Dar responded with submission attempts. Lee employed knee strikes. Lee has educated feet that create issues for Dar. A lethal leg scissors and suicide dive takes Noam down on the outside. Lee punished the champ; Noam got the cheap shot in on Lee. Rd 4 commences, Noam Dar was aggressive and pinned Dragon Lee. Kick to an armbar submission by Dar. Lee turned it into a near fall. Dragon applies the Texas Cloverleaf. Mensah attacks Frazer. Lee ties it at 1 pinfall a piece. Frazer and Mensah fight. The official was forced to throw both corner men out. Round 5, Dar puts the Ankle Lock on Lee. Lee took a nasty landing allowing Dar to hit Lee with an elbow. Lee rocks Noam, big powerbomb almost put Dar away. Jakara Jackson distracts Lee while Lash Legend interfered and hits Dragon via a bucket, Dar executes the Dar Roller.
Dar defeats Lee.
Last Man Standing Match: Ilija Dragunov vs. Dijak
I personally love seeing Dijak return to NXT. He informed his wife and kids that they do not need to view this.
Those red eyes of Dragunov show his darker side.
Dragunov and Dijak slug it out. Dijak had Dragunov in the corner. Ilija chopped his way back into the match. Dijak levels Dragunov to the outside. Each exchange brutal blows. Dijak up kicked and used a Suplex/Slam combination on Dragunov circa the steel stairs. Ilja went through the table to take out Dijak. Dragunov chopping and kicking Dijak. Dijak countered by having Dragunov on those steel steps. Ilja DDTs Dijak on the same steps. Dragunov rams the stairs into Dijak. Coast to Coast from Dragunov with stairs were on Dijak in the corner. He wears Dijak down, but the big man kicks back. Dragunov returns with intense chops.
Dragunov german- suplexed Dijak. That infuriates Dijak. Ilja gets choke slammed on the apron. Dijak hits Feast Your Eyes on Dragunov. Dijak finds a kendo stick, Dragunov feels unforgiving agony. Dijak hits Ilja viscously courtesy of the kendo stick. Dijak discovered a steel chair and hits Dragunov. Ilja somehow fought back. He utilized the steps to hit Dijak with a back elbow while Dijak was on the steel chair. Dijak was counted out after being unconscious.
Dragunov def. Dijak.
We get a Chase U segment where Duke Hudson thinks Ricky sucks. Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey are brought in to teach catch-wrestling. Thea Hail was used as an example for not knowing grappling themed wrestling. Hudson took issue with Dempsey and Gulak after Thea left crying.
McKenzie Mitchell interviews Noam Dar, Ora Mensah, Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend.
NXT Tag Team Championship Match: (C) Gallus vs. The Creed Brothers
Julius and Brutus are joined by Ivy Nile. The NXT Tag Team Champions Wolfgang & Mark Coffey are with Joe Coffey.
Julius versus Wolfgang. He tried taking Wolfgang to the mat. Mark Coffey finds out why Julius technical grappling is dangerous. Wolfgang gets decked by Julius. Fireman takedown by Brutus, Incredible tandem offense via The Creeds. Julius worked over Coffey’s arm. Brutus delivers the double ax handle from the top. Wolfgang distracts Brutus so Coffey can gain an advantage. Brutus landed awkwardly which assisted Gallus. Wolfgang kept Brutus grounded. Coffey with the shoulder tackle from top rope on Brutus. Gallus has kept Brutus isolated. He tried returning to his corner. Julius suplexed both Champions. How about we just repeat this.
Brutus receives the tag; they dominated using individual moonsaults. Coffey rolled through to Julius. Brutus Ball wipes Gallus out. Each team brawls, Julius lands a knee to Coffey. Ivy takes care of Joe. Ava Raine attacks Ivy that distracted Julius Creed as Gallus hits their finisher for the 1-2-3!
Gallus retains.
NXT Women’s Championship Match: Lyra Valkyria vs. Tiffany Stratton
Who’s going to be the new NXT Women’s Champion?
Both lock up, each shove the other. Valkyria takes Stratton to the mat. Lyra targets Tiffany’s arm via submission and followed that up with a pin. Tiffany responded, yet Valkyria countered. Lyra landed awkwardly after doing a leapfrog. Tiffany wanted to outpower her opponent until Lyra flips Stratton over mat-first. Stratton caught Valkyria’s and punished the kneecap. She (Tiffany) slams her knee in the ring post and apron. Stratton with an atomic drop & Dragon screw that damages Lyra’s injured knee. Impressive technical prowess shown by Tiffany. She bridged on Valkyria while grabbing her head and positioning her legs. Stratton is persistent regarding that knee. A stretch muffler had Lyra in trouble.
Valkyria up and over into a pinning attempt. The Irish native used the high-risk missile dropkick against Tiffany. Stratton keeps fighting, Valkyria demonstrates combination offense. Northern Lights Suplex connects on Stratton. Lyra created opportunities after a crossbody block attempt was overpowered by Stratton then a crucifix bomb to Tiffany receives a 2 count. Tiffany also relies on air-driven maneuvers. Valkyria survives Stratton’s onslaught. She dissects Lyra’s knee. Valkyria with a suplex, Lyra missed the roundhouse. Tiffany would miss the moonsault. Valkyria does connect with a roundhouse kick and Stratton gets her leg on the rope to break the pin. Stratton wins after rolling through into a slam and the moonsault.
New NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton.
NXT Championship Match: (C) Carmello Hayes vs. Bron Breakker
Trick Williams introduces Carmelo Hayes.
Bron was not impressed with Hayes if you’re judging body language. Lowell rejoiced for their hometown star.
Hayes attacked the legs of Breakker as he drops kicked him. The Champ pump kicks and takes flight while surprising Bron on the outside. Breakker slammed Hayes, he rams that shoulder into Carmelo. Breakker catches Hayes and threw his opponent across the ring. Bron beats up Carmelo by bashing his head on the barricade. Hayes switched gears after dropping a Nothing But Net/ high-risk (leg drop). Hayes cranked back and locked in a single-leg crab submission. His speed can’t withstand a powerful clothesline via Breakker. Like his famed family, Bron suplexed Carmelo with ease as we see the Belly-to-Belly domination ensues. Breakker drives wicked knees into Haye’s body. Bron tosses Hayes all over the ring.
Bron hits a Frankensteiner on Hayes, but only a near fall. Breakker measured Hayes with a clothesline. Carmelo kicks Bron’s knee. Bron stops any rally from Hayes. He focuses on the back and looks to recline. Hayes caught Breakker in his lower regions. Carmelo DDT’s Bron, Hayes strikes with kicks. His ariel pursuit makes Bron furious. He executes a cutter to Breakker. Bron fires back and Hayes answers. Breakker press-slam attempt yet Hayes countered. Breakker spears Hayes as he came from the ropes. Carmelo rolls up Bron, DDT and Nothing but Net from the top. Hayes secures the victory.
Carmelo Hayes retains the NXT Championship.