NXT Takeover: 31 Results – Balor Retains, Two Huge returns

Takeover 31

Photo Credit: WWE

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NXT Takeover: 31 Results – 04th Oct. 2020

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Damian Priest (c) Johnny Gargano – NXT North American Championship

Both men goes back & forth at the start of the match. Priest injured his leg & Gargano works on the injured leg to take control over Priest. Priest fights back & hits a flatliner on Gargano.

Gargano rolls Priest up for a surprise pin & Priest kicks out at the last moment. Priest hits the Razor’s Edge on Gargano onto the ring apron & get the two count. Gargano once again started working over Priest injured leg.

Priest tries to hit the reckoning but Gargano counters it & hots the standing slice bread & gets the two count. Priest hits the authority on Gargano for the two count. Priest hits a plancha over the top rope but Gargano moves & Priest lands on two security members outside the ring.

Referee is distracted & Gargano hits the low blow on Priest & kicks him in the head but Priest kicks out. Gargano tries to perform the slingshot DDT but Priest catches him & hits the reckoning for the victory.

Winner: Damian Priest

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