NXT Takeover Vengeance Day Results (14th Feb. 2021) – Adam Cole Turns Heel!!


Photo Credit: WWE

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Grizzled Young Veterans Vs. MSK: Men’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Class Finals

Both teams goes back and forth at the start of the match and GYV dominated MSK and takes control over them. Carter tags Lee in and he is fired up and attacks the GYV.

Gibson clotheslines Carter at the ringside and now the heels are in control over MSK. GYV dominated Carter and didn’t let that he tags his partner, but Carter tries to fight back and Drake clotheslines him to lay him down once again.

Carter finally fights back and tags his partner Lee in, and Lee is on fire and he hits a top rope plancha over the ringpost on Gibson and Drake. Carter is fired up and attacks Gibson and got a two count.

Lee tags in, and MSK tries to hit the double team maneuver but Gibson counters and hits the running knee on Lee. Drake tags in and hits the 450 splash on Lee and Lee kicks out at two.

MSK hits the double team finisher on Drake but Drake kicks out at the last moment. GYV hits a double team signature on Lee outside the ring. MSK hits the double team finisher on Drake for the victory.

Winner: MSK

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