NXT Takeover Vengeance Day Results (14th Feb. 2021) – Adam Cole Turns Heel!!


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Finn Balor (c) Vs. Pete Dunne – NXT Championship

Dunne goes right after Bálor’s formerly injured arm. Bálor counters into an armbar of his own. Bálor and Dunne trade submission attempts. Dunne almost gets Bálor’s wrist but Bálor yanks his arm away. Dunne is relentless. Bálor takes Dunne over in a side headlock. Dunne and Bálor trade hold after hold. This leads to another stalemate. Dunne drives his shoulder into Bálor’s jaw. Dunne traps Bálor’s head between his legs. Dunne manipulates Bálor’s wrist in ways that shouldn’t be possible. Bálor back body drops his way out of it. Bálor fights to lock in the Gable grip. Dunne counters into a cross arm breaker. Dunne grinds his shin into Bálor’s jaw. Dunne locks ins another submission. Bálor manages to escape. Dunne locks Bálor in a head-scissors. Dunne bunds Bálor’s fingers. Bálor stomps on Dunne’s foot. Bálor rolls Dunne into a modified Achilles hold. Arabian leg lock by Bálor.

Bálor works over Dunne’s leg and foot. Bálor and Dunne trade strikes. Bálor sets Dunne’s foot on the second rope. Bálor drives his knee into the back of Dunne’s leg. Dunne and Bálor trade pin attempts. Enziguri by Dunne. Bálor responds with a lariat. Dunne kicks out. Bálor grabs Dunne’s leg. Bálor lands elbow strikes after elbow strike to the back of Dunne’s leg. Bálor locks Dunne in an STF. Dunne grabs Bálor’s fingers. Bálor drives Bálor’s fingers in the mat. That was nasty. Bálor doesn’t let up and lights Dunne up with a series of chops. Dunne fires up but when he tries to backflip off the top his knee gives out. Bálor dropkicks Dunne in the knee. Bálor tries 1916 but Dunne reverses it into a hip toss. Dunne stomps on Bálor’s face. Tiger bomb by Dunne. Bálor kicks out. Dunne hits a German suplex. before Bálor can react, Dunne stomps on his fingers. Bálor punt kicks Dunne’s leg. Bálor fires up and hits the Joh Woo dropkick. Bálor goes up top. As Bálor sails off the top, Dunne catches him in midair with a triangle.

Bálor tries to get to the ropes but Dunne rolls him back to the center of the ring. Bálor eventually gets his foot on the rope a Bálor passes out. Dunne drags Bálor to the center of the ring. The referee pushes Dunne away and checks on Bálor. Bálor says he can continue. Dunne stomps on Bálor’s face. Bálor escapes the Bitter End. Bálor puts Dunne in a seated abdominal stretch. Dunne gets a hold on Bálor’s fingers. Dunne snaps Bálor’s fingers. Dunne uses Bálor’s own arm to give him a low blow. Dunne hits the Bitter End! Bálor kicks out. Dunne stomps on Bálor’s hands twice. Bálor counters into a nasty DDT. Dunne and Bálor trade kicks. Bálor finally hits 1916. Dunne kicks out. Dunne holds onto Bálor’s hand. Dunne stomps on Dunne’s injured foot. Dunne snaps Bálor’s fingers again. Bálor rips out Dunne’s mouthpiece. Bálor dropkicks Dunne right in the face, Dunne is out cold. Bálor hits the Coup de Grâce! Bálor hit 1916 again for the win.

Winner: Finn Bálor

After the match, Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch attack Balor on the entrance ramp. The Undisputed Era makes the save. Kyle ‘O’ Reily picks Balor up and shakes his hand, as the UE poses Adam Cole Superkicks Balor and Kyle argues with him and Cole Superkicks Kyle as well. Roderick Strong is shocked and Cole leaves the ring to end the show.


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