NXT Takeover: WAR GAMES 2020 Results – New Champion Crowned, WAR GAMES Chaos


Photo Credit: WWE

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The Undisputed ERA Vs. The Kings of NXT (Oney Lorcan, Danny Burch, Pete Dunne & Pat McAfee)WAR GAMES Match

Kyle & Dunne starts the match. Both men goes back & forth & tries to lock each other in submission holds. Dunne hits Kyle with a kick in the head & snaps his fingers. Kyle tries to fight back, but once again Dunne snaps Kyle fingers & stomps on Kyle’s hand. Dunne puts Kyle in a cross armbar.

Lorcan is next, Kyle hits Lorcan with a combination of strikes, but Dunne attacks him from behind. Dunne & Lorcan beat the hell out of Kyle, but Kyle tries to fight back with a top rope knee drop on Lorcan. Dunne once again stops the momentum of Kyle with a dropkick to the knee.

Fish is next, he is fired up & attacks both Lorca & Dunne with clotheslines & spinebusters. Fish & Kyle hits a double team maneuver on Lorcan & Dunne. Kyle puts Lorcan in a submission hold & Dunne works over Fish’ fingers.

Danny is next, he brings Cricket bat inside the ring. UE is outnumbered & the heels beat the hell out of UE with bat again & again. Kyle locks in a leg lock, Danny taps out. Dunne breaks the hold. Dunne & Danny hits Kyle with the bat.

Strong is next, he is fired up & attacks both Lorcan & Danny with clothesline & backdrops. Strong takes out all three men, but Lorcan kicks him in the face to stop his momentum. The heels takes over the babyfaces & beat them up.

Pat is out next, he brings tables & chairs inside the ring and the heels are in complete control over UE. Pat hits a moonsault on Strong through the table. McAfee taunts the UE.

Adam Cole is out next & he brings the fire extinguisher & chair with him inside the ring. Cole hits Lorcan with the chair followed with a backstabber on Dunne & Ushi Gurushi on Burch. Cole goes for Pat, but Dunne interrupts him.

Dunne tries to snaps Cole’s fingers but Cole counters it to DDP. Cole hits a chair in the back of Pat. Now, The UE is in complete control over the heels. Lorcan hits a blockbuster on Fish. Lorcan & Burch hits a double team finisher on Kyle for a two count.

Pat hits a chop block on Cole & puts him in the Figure-4-Lock. Cole turns around & puts the pressure on Pat’s legs. Dunne breaks the hold. Lorcan & Burch sets up the table. Dunne puts Cole in an armbar, but Cole reverses it into a brainbuster for a two count.

Kyle & Fish slams Dunne through the table, but table didn’t break.Kyle goes on the top rope & hits a splash on Dunne through the table. Cole pushes Pat off the top rope through the table & The UE destroys Dunne, Lorcan & Danny.

The UE attacks on Pat like a hound of dogs, they throws him onto the cage again & again. Dunne, Lorcan & Danny came back & saves Pat. All men are on the top rope & Cole hits a neckbreaker on Dunne off the top rope. Strong hits a superplex on Pat off the top rope.

Both teams goes back & forth & Pat clims at the top of the cage & hits a summersault off the top of the cage & takes out everybody. Kyle & Dunne gets up & goes back & forth. Dunne snaps Kyle fingers & hits a bitterend for a nearfall.

Kyle hits a suplex in the middle of both the rings for a nearfall. Kyle puts Dunne’s head in the chair & climbs at the top, but Pat hits him with the chair. Cole grabs the chair but Pat hits Cole with a low blow. Cole superkicks Pat & sets up for Panama Sunrise. Danny interrupts him.

Fish spears Danny through the table. Cole hits another superkick on Pat followed with a Panama Sunrise, Pat kicks out. Dunne hits the bitterend on Cole onto the chair. Fish & Strong hits a double team maneuver on Dunne. Kyle hits a top rope knee drop on Lorcan with a chair on Lorcan’s head for the victory.

Winner: The Undisputed ERA.

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