NXT Takeover

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NXT Takeover: XXX Results – 22nd August 2020

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Legado Del Fantasma Vs. Breezango Vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch – #1 Contender’s Match for NXT Tag Team Championship

All teams trade jabs at each other at the start of the match. Fandango and Lorcan goes back and forth and get outside the ring. Mendoza performs a corkscrew plancha on everybody outside the ring. Now all teams get on their corner. Danny and Wilde are in the ring. Danny hits a german Suplex and gets a two count.

Fandango goes on the top rope and hits a leg drop on Mendoza.. Breeze tags in, but Mendoza hits a Splanish Fly on Breeze and gets the two count. Lorcan tags in and Breeze surprises him with a Superkick and pins him for the victory.

Winner & NEW #1 Contender for NXT Tag Titles: Breezango

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