NXT Takeover

Photo Credit: WWE

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Finn Balor vs. Timothy Thatcher

Both men tried to lock each other up with technical submission moves. Timothy tries to dominate Balor, Balor fights off. Timothy starts working on Balor’s leg. Balor fights him off but once again Timothy locks Balor in Kimura lock.

Timothy changes the submission and locks Balor in modified Chicken Wing. Balor somehow counters and punches Timothy in the face. Balor kicks Timothy in the head. Balor tries to hit Slingblade but Timothy counters and tries to lock him up in Chicken Wing again. Balor counters and hits the double stomp on Timothy.

Balor hits a reverse 1916 and got the two count. Timothy locks Balor on Single leg Boston Crab. Timothy hits a German Suplex on Balor. Balor locks Timothy in a abdominal stretch but Timothy reverses into Ankle lock. Balor counters and hits another double stomp on Timothy.

Balor hits the Coup De Grace followed by 1916 for the victory.

Winner: Finn Balor


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