NXT Takeover: XXX Results

Photo Credit: WWE
Bronson Reed Vs. Johnny Gargano Vs. Damien Priest Vs. Cameron Grimes Vs. Velveteen Dream – NXT North American Championship
Priest and Reed clears the ring and stares each other. Dream enters the ring and hits a DDT on Priest and a kick to the face of Reed. Grimes takes out the ladder under the ring. Gargano hits the Slingshot Spear on Grimes. Reed catches Priest and slams him on Gargano.
Priest and Dream climbs the ladder but Grimes knocks them off. Gargano and Dream team up and hit everybody with the ladder. Reed knocks both of them out. Reed is dominating the match. Dream and Grimes kicks Reed in the head. Now, Gargano, Grimes and Dream makes a team and beat Priest and Reed.
Reed kicks Grimes in the stomach, then Gargano hits Dream with a ladder. Dream, Gargano, Priest and Grimes gets sandwich between many ladders and Reed splashes on them. Dream is on the top rope with Gargano and Grimes. Reed Suplexes all of them and takes everybody out.
Reed slams Gargano. Priest climbs the ladder and almost unhook the belt but Dream knocks him off the ladder. Priest tries a slingshot clothesline but Gargano kicks him in the head in the mid air. Dream enters the ring and throws Priest out of the ring. Reed suicide dive on everybody at the ringside.
Grimes enters the ring with a ladder but Priest kicks him and performs a high risk move on everybody at the ringside except Grimes. Grimes is alone in the ring and he climbs the ladder but Candice LeRae knocks him off the ladder. Now, Gargano climbs the ladder but Reed knocks him off. Once again LeRae climbs the ladder and interrupt Reed to unhook the belt. Reed splashes Gargano from the top of the ladder with LeRae on his shoulder.
Reed & Priest climbs the ladder but Grimes knocks them off. Dream sets up the ladder tries an elbow drop from the top of the huge ladder on Grimes but Priest knocks him off the ladder. Now, Grimes and Gargano climbs the ladder and knock each other off.
Dream hits Dream Driver on Gargano. Now, Dream climbs the ladder but Reed knocks him out of the ring. Reed climbs the ladder but Grimes knocks him off and tries to unhook the belt but Gargano knocks him off. Now, Priest climbs the ladder and kicks Gargano off the ladder and unhook the belt.
Winner: Damien Priest