NXT Takeover

Photo Credit: WWE

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Keith Lee (c) Vs. Karrion Kross – NXT Championship

Lee dominates Kross at the start of the match. Kross kicks Lee’s left hand into the barricade. Kross works on Lee’s injured arm. Kross locks Lee in an armbar for quite long period of time, Lee overpowers him and slams him to the mat to release the hold.

Lee powerslams Kross and got the one count only. Kross hits the DDT on Lee and got the two count. Both men goes back and forth. Kross clothesline Lee and got the two count. Kross supplex Lee and again got the two count.

Kross locks Lee in Kross Jacket but Lee somehow reach the ropes to release the hold. Lee hits a Spiral powerbomb and got the two count. Kross hits the Doomsday Slam from the top rope and got the victory.

Winner and NEW NXT Champion: Karrion Kross

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