Report: WWE pulled Seth Rollins return from Smackdown this week

Photo Credit: WWE
Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch recently became parents in December. Rollins took some time off from WWE & he was expected to return this week on Smackdown as advertised by WWE on FOX. Now, Rollins is no longer advertised for this week’s episode of Smackdown.
According to Ringside News, WWE pulled the return of Seth Rollins from Smackdown this week. WWE on FOX advertised Rollins return last week on Twitter but later deleted the tweet. This was all an instance of miscommunication.
“WWE on FOX went with information that was ‘possible’ instead of information that was ‘final.’” Unsurprisingly, we were also told that this kind of thing “happens more than you think.”
Fans have to wait more for the return of ‘Friday night Savior’. But it’s most likely to happen as early as next week.
You can check out the tweet below:
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