Respect the Phenom: The Absurdity of Calling The Undertaker Bad and MJF Bigger

Photo Credit: WWE
In the world of professional wrestling, there’s a level of respect and reverence that fans owe to those who have paved the way for the industry as we know it today. However, it seems that some AEW fans have missed the memo, as they’ve been inexplicably calling The Undertaker “bad” and even going as far as to claim that MJF is bigger than The Deadman. Well, it’s time to set the record straight and unleash some hard-hitting truth.
Let’s start with The Undertaker. Are you kidding me? Bad? This is a man whose career spans over three decades, a living legend who has carried the WWE on his back and has had some of the most iconic moments in wrestling history. From his chilling debut at Survivor Series in 1990 to his unforgettable WrestleMania streak, The Undertaker has been a stalwart in the wrestling world. His dedication to his character and craft is unparalleled. His in-ring psychology, storytelling abilities, and sheer presence have made him a household name around the globe.
And yet, there are some AEW fans who have the audacity to call The Undertaker “bad.” It’s mind-boggling how anyone can be so misguided. The Undertaker has had classic battles against the likes of Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, and many others. His ability to adapt and evolve with the times while maintaining the mystique of his character is a testament to his greatness. Dismissing him as “bad” is not just ignorant; it’s downright disrespectful.
Now, let’s address the notion that MJF is somehow more significant than The Undertaker. Really? MJF is undoubtedly a talented young wrestler with a gift for promos and generating heat, but he is still in the early stages of his career. Comparing him to The Undertaker, a bona fide legend is like comparing a spark to a roaring flame. The Undertaker’s legacy transcends wrestling; it’s a part of pop culture. MJF has potential, but he has a long way to go before he can even begin to challenge the Undertaker’s legacy.
AEW fans, I understand you’re passionate about your promotion and its talents, but let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture. The wrestling industry is vast and diverse, and there’s room for appreciation of various skills and promotions. But when it comes to The Undertaker, show some respect and acknowledge the contributions of this wrestling icon. Don’t let your enthusiasm for the new overshadow the incredible legacy of the past.
In conclusion, it’s time to put an end to the absurdity of calling The Undertaker bad and claiming MJF is bigger. The Undertaker is a legend, and legends are not defined by subjective opinions but by their undeniable impact on the industry. It’s high time to give credit where credit is due and respect the Phenom for the trailblazing, awe-inspiring figure that he is.